Part 17

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Kacchan reached for the doorknob when we heard his mom through the door..

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" I flinched when she said this.

"Maybe we should go." Kacchan half whispers to me.

"No... let's go in. Maybe we can stop this. I also really just need to go to bed." Kacchan nodded and opened the door fully.

"You didn't divorce him!?" Auntie yells again.

"Well, no- not officially! He said if I divorced him he wouldn't pay for child support! What was I supposed to do?" Mom responded. She never told me this. I thought she divorced him years ago.

"Oh- I don't know- ask for help?! Bring him to court?!"

"Izuku-! Kat! I didn't see you two." Mom says when she notices us standing in the doorway.

"Ko, I'm sorry but I have to go. We will continue this tomorrow. Thank you for dinner and... I only yell because... well- your my bestfriend. I just want you to be safe and happy. Same goes for you Izuku. Come on Kat, let's go." She says walking towards the door.

"Um- Ma- I think I'm gonna stay here tonight." Both of their eyes flash towards me.

"If it's okay with Inko, it's okay with me." They look to mom and she nods. Auntie kisses the top of my head, before leaving the house and closing the door.

"Mom-" I start.

"You boys must be tired, you should go to bed. I might do the same after I clean up." I wanted to say something, yet, my mouth wouldn't speak. All I did was bob my head yes and head to my room with my boyfriend. We walk in and get ready for bed. He tried to sleep on the floor again, but I made him sleep in the bed with me.
He was on his back and I was laying partly on top of him with my head on his chest. Our legs were intertwined and he was rubbing my back.

"Hey Kacchan?" I say suddenly.

"Hmm?" He questioningly hummed.


"Why' what, babe?"

"Why do you care so much? What changed?"


"What?" I look up at him.

"You changed. Well- actually- I guess I changed. I think... the fear of losing you made me realize just how much I love you."

"I love you too, Kacchan." I nuzzle myself back into his chest again and fall asleep.

Izuku's Dream

Suddenly, I was transported behind what I think was a wall, but I could see through it. I was looking at, I believe, a bar, a bunch of people who looked kind of familiar and... Kacchan! What was he doing there? He was tied to a chair and the other people surrounded him.

"Come on kid. Join us! It's either that, or die." A raspy voice says.


"Never, Bastards!!!" He yells. A blond girl with two buns in her hair took a knife and made a long cut on his wrist, causing him to wince in pain.


I tried to scream and bang on the wall but I couldn't make any noise for some reason.

"Toga~" Another voice came out of nowhere. Everyones gaze turned to a corner in the room that a had barely any light. Suddenly, a teenager with glowing green eyes in a suit, kicked off the wall and started walking towards Kacchan and, apparently, Toga.

Is that me?!?!

"Yes Izu~?" The girl responds, skipping toward the person who seemed to be me. She reached... me... and I wrapped my arm around her waist, while she kissed other me's cheek.

"Let's save some of the fun for tomorrow, please, my darling~?"

"Aww- fine."

"What the hell is tomorrow?!" Kacchan yells.

"Oh- tomorrow, we are going to pay your little friends at UA a visit. Not that they actually care." Other me coos, let's go of Toga, and walks over to Kacchan, placing a hand under his chin.

"SHUT UP!!" Kacchan snaps, shaking his head to make other me let go of him.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now Kacchan~ that wasn't very nice. Hehehe...HAHAH!! WHOS USELESS NOW KACCHAN?! HUH?! WHO IS HELPLESS AND STUPID NOW?!?" Other me raised my hand and punched Kacchan straight across the face. Hard. So hard that he was knocked out on impact. Which is something I would never be able to in real life.


"Hey, babe! I thought we were saving the fun for tomorrow." Toga says with a pout. Other me adjusts my vest, takes a deep breath, and walks over to her.

"I apologize, Toga dear. I lost control for a moment." I looked over to, the man who I'm pretty sure was Shigaraki. "It won't happen again." I wrapped my arm around the girl again and we walked into a hallway.

Suddenly, everything went dark and the words "This is what could have been" started repeating over and over again. My hands grasped my head and I screamed, then, I woke up.

End of dream

I jolted awake and sat up. I could barely breath. My chest went up and down extremely fast.

"What- what happened? Are you okay?" Kacchan asks groggily, sitting up as well.

"Kacchan!!" I half-yell, ramming myself into him. I was now crying into his shirt.

"Woah! What happened?!" His hands immediately raised to my head and back. He shifted us so that my legs were on his lap. "Are you alright?"

"No! I had an awful nightmare where you... and I was..." My words were broken up between sobs.

"It's okay... your okay. It was just a dream. Breath." I matched my breathing to his and slowly relaxed. "You wanna talk about it? Tell me what happened?"

I nodded and told him what happened in my dream. Including the part with Toga and 'I.'

"Hey, it's fine. It wasn't real, it wa-" He starts.

"No! It was what could have happened! I could have become a villain if it weren't for Aizawa!! Anyone of those people could have been there instead of Aizawa that day!"

"Yeah, but he was! Aizawa saved you that day, not some villain. Your not a villain."

"I'm not a hero either!! I never will be!! I'm nothing! My dad knew it, I know it, ev- Mmm!" Kacchan interrupts me by kissing me.

"Your everything thing to me. Don't judge your life based on your ass-hat of a father. Aizawa loves you more than he ever did. So many people love you. Your mom, class 1-A, hell, I'm pretty sure even my parents like you more than me they like me. I love you Deku."

"I-I love you too Kacchan." I was still sobbing and hiccuping in between words as I nuzzled into him. He slowly laid us back down and after a while of comfortable silence, we eventually both fell asleep in each others arms.

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