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Blue alien: well well well the scarlet witch*walking up to wanda* you are here finally

Wanda: I don't know what you want who you are or why you are here but all I know is I am ready to kill you *head tilt*

Blue alien: ha ha you know earthlings and willing wanna be super heros are so cute *smrik* they make me sick and when I am done with you scarlet witch my plan to kill every little superhero in the world will be able to happen successfully

Wanda:you don't know much about superheroes why come for me first and what makes you think that we are all the same

Blue alien: well witch *twisting around her fingers and circling around wanda* and yet you lot see nothing that I see

Wanda:okay like what if you are so smart

Blue alien: well the stupidity of humans earthlings and practically everyone

Wanda: not exactly everyone okay sure some humans are stupid but it's not like you are perfect with that mask and blue skin with horns   oh did you ever watch avatar you look like one of those creatures but with horns instead

Blue alien: see this is what I mean you are to distracted by your own thoughts in the mind of how I look like a fictional character that's not even real and haven't even noticed what I'm doing to you

I have clearly been circling around you trapping you and you haven't even noticed it yet if I ever saw such a mortal move

Wanda:okay well I knew that you were trapping me and so by me doing this *lifting up a finger until her red powers show and cutting through the string trap * I'm now free from that you don't try very hard

Blue alien: well I didn't strangle you with them so it's not so hard to escape

Wanda:okay you leave me no choice we are fighting this out the best one of us wins

Blue alien: ha it's on mortal

Wanda tried to get her powers working but they wouldn't go as high in fact it was a struggle for wanda just to get her powers out it felt almost as if she was struggling to breathe grunting and pushing as hard as she could to get her powers up and running to help her win this battle but they have trouble coming up no matter what Is being tried

Wanda: come on work *tearing up* work please

Blue alien: hmm guess you didn't see that coming

Wanda: *ready to hit the alien with everything she had in pure rage* you can do alot of things but quote my brother is not one of them now prepare to die

Blue alien: my brother was killed by Ultron big whoop and how are you going to kill me if your powers don't work

Wanda:like this..

Wanda threw a small ball of rage at the alien but it did nothing 

Blue alien: huh I guess now you die


The alien threw a stick dagger into wanda hard enough to kill her and the ladt thing you here from Wanda is


Before wanda wakeing up and starting to cry

Natasha was at her desk heard wanda and ran over to her

Nat: wanda are you okay

Wanda:*knods no*

Nat: another nightmare wanda

Wanda:*shaking her head yes trying to hold back the tears*

Nat: *awarded smiles at her* I'm sorry wanda wanna talk about it

Wanda:*shaking a firm no*

Nat: okay well this might help

Wanda:what will help

Nat: *wrapping her up in a blanket and coming inside with her and cuddling wanda for all her comfort*

Wanda:okay yes they help

Nat: yay

Wanda: well I feel safe now you are with me now but why not before

Nat: wanda you were overthinking and passed out I made you comfortable and I'm sorry I didn't want to invade you incase

Wanda: you know that you are the only one who can do that

Nat:well I know but still but I know you don't want to talk about it but was it androids aliens or wizards or others

Wanda: you and sam put on a bet didn't you

Nat: no we were guessing

Wanda:okay and.. how did you know it was a nightmare before I was awake

Nat: wanda you threw pillows everywhere but I must say some were weak but that's okay

Wanda:okay well sorry about that and it was aliens

Nat: yes I win and don't be sorry you hit sam 4 times very well done

Hey nat

Nat: yes wanda

Wanda: umm can you lock the door so no one bothers me

Nat: yes just call me if you need any..

Wanda:no I want tou to stay please just lock it so no one else comes in

Nat: yes of course I can see ideas like this are why I love you *locks the bedroom door and jumps onto the bed with wanda and leans in for a cuddle with her*

Nat:wanna watch a movie

Wanda:okay yes just not avatar it was in my nightmare

Nat: okay you wiredo but sure if it's what keeps you happy

AN: I don't own these

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