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Wanda: goodnight my dear *falling asleep by nats side*
Nat: goodnights darling

*nat lied down with her left arm cuddling wanda the other on her neck just above the pillow trying to fall asleep but she can't. Her mind is spinning with thoughts  she can't get to sleep

Nat slowly pics up her phone turns the brightness down so wanda won't awake from the light. Natasha just sits in the dark at 2.38 am after scrolling through twitter on a burner account for hours she puts her phone down on the table and makes a slight noise*

Wanda:*twitches slightly looks up sees nat wide awake so with a very sleepy voice says * natasha why are you up its late

Natasha; *smiles* I am struggling to sleep thats all you are fine sleeping

Wanda: then come have cuddles with me see if that helps. What usually helps you relax?

Nat: definitely you warmth and soft noise

Wanda then you should cuddle me

Nat*cuddles into wanda and pulls a blanket over them *

Wanda: see you are safe here i love you nat *places a memory of them on a date*

Nat I love you most  * falls asleep after a while *

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