American pie

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Wanda was playing American pie by Don McLean and singing along "so bye bye miss American pie drove my chivvy to the levee but the levee was dry..."

Nat was sat at her desk she had not heard that song in years and hearing it instantly made her think of yelena and if she was safe so natasha teared up

Wanda noticed and walked over nat and asked if everything was okay natasha replied simply with a tear rolling down her face and half cracked voice "singing this will be the day that I die"
Wanda paused the song and ran into nats arms as if she was a child getting picked up from school

Wanda"im so sorry I didn't think but I promise you everything will be okay especially yelena" *soft grin*
Nat had no words so she just nodded before gaining the words and confidence to say "I still have hope"

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