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Wanda had stayed in bed a little longer than usual well mabey a lot longer than expected. Natasha got up 2 hours ago and didn't think much of wanda staying asleep she thought perhaps wanda is just exhausted or even drained but 2 hours have past and wanda is still sound asleep and natasha is starting to get worried...
Natasha's idea was to wake wanda up and go to train for their next mission so she headed upstairs  to get wanda

*Natasha knocks on the bedroom door in case wanda is up but there is no response and natasha knocks again with another answer of silence so natasha gently opens the door and enters*

Natasha: hey hey hey wanda my darling *getting into the bed and cuddling wanda* good morning it's me are you ready to get up *she says while running her fingers through Wanda's hair*

Wanda:*starts to stir awake slightly after a minute or two with sleepiness Wanda replays with* morning tash-a *almost struggling to speak and pronounce a few letters*

Natasha: darling are you okay *she said with consen hearing the struggle in Wanda's voice*

Wanda: *still sleepy but more awake* yeah I'm fine-n *taking a deep breath afterwards and grabbing a water to drink*

Natasha:are you sure because we can stay here watch movies sleep... rest

Wanda:no I'm not sick I'm fine-n we can go train its alright

Natasha: I'm not sure I will let you train today especially because you put an extra letter on fine

Wanda: *now awake* no its fine I'm ready now so we can go train I will be a-ok

Natasha: okay only because you want to though if you want to pull out at any time and come back I will not hesitate to help you

Wanda:okay let's go

They both walk out the room and natasha notices Wanda's nose is a dark red natasha didn't point it out in case Wanda was insecure of it or if it was Tony's lights.
The girls make their way down to the training room on the last set of stairs before the train room wanda began to feel sick and out of breath
Wanda asked natasha if they could stop for a moment and natasha said yes until wanda was ready again

They made it to the training room and wanda goes to get a water and take a seat first. Natasha follows her for safety in the event she fell when they saw Steve and bucky training

Steve: no surprise you too are here together

Natasha: you're one to talk Steve

Steve: well we might have something coming up you never know so better be prepared for the worst

Steve and natasha talk while wanda sits on one of the benches with her head in her knees. Bucky notices wanda and goes over to her.

Bucky: wanda ....  wanda *bucky is trying to be as gentle as possible and not draw the attention of nat and Steve* wanda are you there ... earth to wanda *he laughs a little after saying that and waving his hand when wanda lifted her head up *

Wanda: sorry bucky did you need something

Bucky: are you okay, do you need natasha I can go get her, or you can talk to me or do whatever I noticed you and I thought I should probably say hi

Wanda: thank you bucky I have this ringing in my ears so I thought it would help me

Bucky: I'm not going to lie I don't know what I'm doing so I'm going to get natasha * he walks away notices her red nose and goes to get natasha*

Natasha: well you're not wron-

Bucky: hi I didn't want you to be interrupted by me but wanda is over there looking unwell and she just said about ringing in her ears

Natasha: thank you bucky you're a good friend to her *natasha walks over to wanda while steve and bucky keep a distance but follow natasha*

Natasha: Wanda *slight panic* what's going on.... are you okay... what do  you need bucky told me... are you sick

Wanda: I'm not sick tash

Natasha: don't strain your voice

Steve: Wanda you look ill your nose is super red

Bucky: you don't look that great you seem very pale

Natasha: *places the back of her hand on Wanda's forehead for her temperature*
Wanda your forehead is rather warm,

Wanda:okay mabey I'm sick but I can still train *she trys to stand but can't and falls onto the fall *

Natasha: wanda I am not letting you train here *she helps wanda up from the floor and use her as an armrest* we are going back so you can rest up

Steve: I can bring you up some soup if you like

Bucky: I can make you up some hot drinks to help

Natasha: I can cuddle you and try and make you laugh


Natasha: come on let's go back to bed are you guys okay to sort that stuff out

Steve: we did offer so yes shall be fine

Back in the room natasha stays with wanda Steve brought up some soup for wanda and bucky with a hot chocolate then they left them alone natasha put on a movie which they both love
Wanda passed out while cuddling into natasha soon after natasha fell asleep with wanda making sure shes safe.

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