take care

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Day 1 Friday

Wanda:(sitting at the breakfast bar when nat walks in)good morning Nat

Nat: morning dear I would call it a good morning that's a bit of an overstatement

Wanda:okay well morning nat

Nat: better thank you, you have any plans today dear

Wanda: well I was just going to stay home and read or do something around here unless you have plans or I'm needed

Nat: i have to meet Steve later and then I will be back

Wanda:okay are you going to be long

Nat: depends how old the computers are

Wanda: well please eat something before you g...

Nat: I need to go shoot I'm late I love you wanda dear and I will be back later

Wanda: love you too nat please get something to eat

Nat: not hungry thanks tho (nat leaves the house)

Wanda spent the day doing what she loved reading. she still worried about natasha not being hungry but not that it was new

Nat was gone for 10 hours with Steve on a mission and came back looking pail

Wanda: nat are you okay you are so pail do you need to drink sit down rest
Did you get hit hurt what what happened

Nat: yes I'm fine a drink would be lovely I am fine to sit I did get hit or hurt and I don't know what you are on about

Wanda: I was worried you look sick did you eat while you where out

Nat: no I didn't eat but stop worrying I am fine

Wanda:okay can you at least come to bed or get some sleep its 9pm after all

Nat: I'm not tired but I can come cuddle you then watch Netflix while you are asleep

Wanda: if you are sure on it

Nat: I'm sure of it wanda what are you waiting for

They both walked into the bedroom and got into bed
Wanda was ready to fall asleep so nat wrapped her arms around her and whispered"you are safe with me and I love you" the same thing she whispered every night to comfort wanda
Wanda was out and asleep within 20 minutes
Nat stayed up and rewatched some of her favourite shows until morning

Day 2 Saturday

Wanda had just woken up and nat was still watching Netflix at 10an

Nat:morning wanda sleep well

Wanda:okay I guess did you stay up all night

Nat: yes I did

Wanda: Tasha I'm worried about you no sleep no food are you feeling okay

Nat:yes wanda I'm feeling fine how about today we clean the house and watch some movies

Wanda:okay I'm good with that

They spent the first half of the day clearing and cleaning like a spring clean as they had nothing better to do and the second part spent watching movies then the same conversation as last night happened one again nat hadn't eaten and was now on her 2nd day without sleep

Day 3 sunday

Wanda: tasha

Nat: yes wanda

Wanda: I'm starting to get worried about you

Nat:why is that dear

Wanda: tasha you haven't eaten in 3 days and haven't slept in 3 and you keep saying you are fine but I know you are in pain and its worrying for me as I hate seeing you sick but I want to help you

Nat: wanda you should of said I'm working so hard theres no time and I forget sometimes but hey I will fix it for you okay because I love you and don't want you to worry

Wanda:okay thank you Nat

Nat:you are welcome


Wanda:*sneezes twice*

Nat: wanda did you just sneeze twice you are sick wanda stay there while I get blankets and hot drinks for you

Nat wrapped Wanda up in 13 blankets had 3 hot drinks on the side and 4 pillows with Wanda's favourite film on

Nat: is is all okay wanda

Wanda: Nat I sneezed once I'm fine

Nat: see look on the positive

Wanda: I'm not sick

Nat: I know I know

Wanda: im dating an amazing idiot

Nat: what was that

Wanda: love you

Nat: love you too

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