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Wanda was asleep in the middle of the day in her favourite place the sofa to the side of the desk natasha works at,wanda loves sleeping there because she knows that natasha is always working so will always be there, Wanda had been awake for a while she just didn't want to get up because nat was on a call and she didn't want to move from her comfortable spot.

Natasha: thank you Rhodey you're amazing bye *the call ends and nats hands move into a cup over her nose and mouth as tears stream down her face*

Wanda: my love are you alright

Natasha: I'm fine thank you wanda *crosses her arms*

Wanda: no you're not now sit normally or at least put your leg down

Natasha:*puts her leg down from the table*

Wanda:okay now I can do this *jumps onto her lap and wraps her arms on the neck for a cuddle* you need this trust me let the tears run down

Natasha: *wraps her arms back around wanda and let's one tear lose*

Wanda: hug train let it out dont be scared of emotions we all get stressed out

Natasha:*let's tears roll like crazy until pulling herself together* tha thank y you wa wanda

Wanda: anytime you get stressed to much

Natasha: I can't stop now is it me or is it really hot in here

Wanda: yh it is *lying so nat doesn't feel bad* let me open some windows

Natasha: thank you

*wanda takes a seat on the desk near nat and notices her eyes keep closing every few seconds*

Wanda: Nat are you okay

Natasha: I'm fine

Wanda: don't lie I will read your mind

Natasha: okay I feel tired and lightheaded for some reason just let me finish this mission report and I can go and get something for the pain

Wanda: no you aren't working anymore today you can rest wait no you need to rest

Natasha: no I can work its fine

Wanda: no you can't

Natasha: I can I just need water then I should be fine *nat trys to stand up but almost falls* I don't know what that was

Wanda:okay that's it you sit on the sofa I'm getting you something and you're not working anymore today

Natasha: I need to *sitting on the sofa*

Wanda: NO YOU DON'T I'm sorry for shouting  just you are clearly in a bad state I would like to take care of you for once

Natasha: okay sure I won't worry about work and will rest while you do everything for me

Wanda: good thank you now take those tablets

Natasha: thanks for doing this

Wanda: it's okay anytime *hugs natasha*

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