free therapy

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Nat: wanda you have been seeming a little bit off for the past week are you okay

Wanda: yep I am all good babes*smiles awkwardly with the lips straight *

Nat: okay thats not true come here lie down on the sofa I will give you a free therapy session

Wanda:*gose over to Nat and lies on the sofa like in therapy* are you sure

Nat: yes I'm sure
Wanda how are you feeling

Wanda: its hard to explain

Nat: describe it in anyway you wish

Wanda: you won't understand

Nat: I probably won't but I will listen

Wanda: well
Are you insane are you lonely been in pain do you tear yourself apart just to entertain everyone do the people on the bus or train whisper about you and everyone says you can't wake up its not a dream and you are not a human being just living on a screen have you ever been low on self esteem so you run on whatever you can see like me

Nat:*hugs wanda* wands you need to talk about this more our insane side is the best pain only makes you stronger you should never have to tear yourself away from the truth or be talked about badly and I can assure you we are human and not on a screen

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