can't sleep

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Nat hasn't slept in days because wanda has been away wanda is finally back and safe so nat tries to get some rest but can't so walks into wandas room

Nat *knocks lightly twice with no answer so enters *

Wanda:*turning on the lamp* may I help you i didn't say *looks up* nat whats going on whats happened who hurt you

Nat:*laughs * no one but can this room take 2 people

Wanda: it can whys that Nat

Nat: I'm going to be honest since you left i haven't been able to sleep and I just tried so hard and I couldn't so can I have the comfort of my girlfriend who is safe

Wanda: *tired af* yes you can you're always welcome to this

Nat: thank you Wanda I love you *jumps onto the bed next to Wanda*

Wanda: most welcome *turns lamp off* goodnight my godess

Nat: goodnight my princess *falls asleep*

Wanda:*looks over and smiles then gose back to sleep *

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