freeze your brain

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Natasha comes running into wandas room to ask "hey wanda want to get some slushy drinks with me "
Wanda immediately puts her book and pen down replys with "hell yes" and runs towards nat. They both get in the car and drive to the nearest shop that sells these drinks and pick out their flavours wandas choice is red mixed with something new each time and Natashas depends on her mood today was blue and red.

Wanda: Nat is there any reason you wanted to get these drinks so badly

Natasha: comfort drinks

Wanda: any special reason

Natasha: I wanted to bring my favourite person with me

Wanda: thats sweet I love you but i meant any reason its a comfort drink

Natasha: its just always been there for me *slurps her mix* the places I have been travelled to and have lived they start to get blurry alexi and melina had suitcases packed at the ready so eventually I gave up on learning peoples names faces and roads I only had yelena and the stop to little shops like these it was the comfort I had when everything was about to despair it was always there. All the shops are the same and you get lost in the sugar rush so if I'm ever stressed out or wanting to despair I freeze my brain as the happiness comes when everything numbs.

Wanda: thats so beautiful *hugs her* im going to buy you all the slushy drinks you wish from now on

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