thunder storm

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Just a little background information wanda has been terrified of storms  since she was a kid nothing happened Wanda just hated the loudness and lighting

Natasha: *is on her phone and sees a warning for weather change and 94% chance of a storm  while wanda is working natasha calmly takes Wanda's phone and deletes the notifications on storms grabs 4 different blankets closes all windows and pulls the blinds down in the kitchen shut the curtains in the living room and sits like nothing is happening waiting for wanda to finish her shift in 4 minutes *

Wanda: and that's today at work done ah finally

Nat: aww well at least its worth it

Wanda: not really working with stark is a nightmare ...
Hey why are the blinds and curtains shut .

Nat: it was raining heavily so I shut the windows and shutters because that way no rain drop reflections are seen

Wanda:okay that's smart what would I do without you now I will be back I'm going to get into my pjs

Nat: okay princess I'm ahead of you on that

36 minutes later

Wanda and nat both have there seats on the sofa with a cushion apart from them natasha heard the first storm cloud near them from far while in the kitchen rushed to get her drink and head back to wanda before she heard it

2 ,minutes later

*thunder *

Wanda: *crosses her legs* what was th...that

Natasha: nothing to be afraid of

*more thunder and a shadow of lightning*

Wanda:* leaps over to natasha and curls into her *

Natasha:*grabbing a blanket to wrap them both in * hey hey hey its okay I'm here and nothing is going to hurt you not while I'm around

Wanda:o..k.ay *tapping her leg really fast and biting the skin around her nails *

Natasha: *grabs Wanda's bear from the corner of the sofa and puts In wandas arms for this occasion*better my dearest..

Wanda: mhm *cuddling that with nat at her side *

Nat: told you you need me in storms *laughs and grabs both of there phones to put them on mute to ignore thors calls about the storm because its him* you can thank me later

Wanda: thor

Nat: yeah

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