train journey

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After a day out of town natasha and wanda are going home.

Wanda: that was a great day but I'm so tired

Natasha: it was a lovely day you can take a nap when we get home

*they cuddle side by side on the platform while walking onto the train and taking their seats*

Wanda: I hate public transport

Natasha: im aware you hate it but I'm right here you have the window so you can stare out of it

Wanda: but what if the carriage gets packed what if we break down what if we crash what if

Natasha: hey hey hey none of that will happen well mabey the packed carriage one will but if it happens im here and can handle it. All you need to do is sit and not overthink it

Wanda: shit were moving what if

Natasha: stop the what if questions just enjoy the ride and we will be home in no time *she leans into hug Wanda* see you're safe in my arms

*Wanda hugs Natasha back for comfort but feels nat twitch twice*

Wanda: whats bothering you

Natasha: nothing is bothering me why do you ask

Wanda: I felt you twitch twice so whats bothering you

Natasha: okay when transport goes backwards it makes me a little queasy

Wanda: do you want to go find somewhere else to sit. Somewhere where we move forward

Natasha: no no its fine I can deal with it

Wanda: will anything make you feel better or take or mind off of it

Natasha: not really

Wanda: a Wanda hug?

Natasha it would be nice but I will still feel it

Wanda: why not fall asleep and if you do take that option can I play with your hair please

Natasha: I never thought of that before I can try it. Yes you can play with my hair

*Natasha turns around, lays her head on wandas chest and shuts her eyes. Wanda kisses nats forehead, whispers everything will be okay and runs her fingers through nats hair when she gets bored of that she makes two french braids*

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