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Natasha:hey wanda I have my sister coming over today are you okay with that

Wanda: it would be an honor why wouldn't I be okay with it

Natasha: I don't know just asking out of politeness I guess shes coming in an hour

Wanda:okay I will start cleaning because i don't want her to get the wrong impression of me

Natasha: what about me

Wanda: well she knows a lot of you i just want it to be a nice environment for the famous yelena

Natasha: okay i can help you clean if you like

Wanda: please tasha

Natasha and Wanda cleaned the house eventhough it was never untidy it was more just cleaning up little bits like snacks from the table and mugs left from last night before they heard a knock at the door

*natasha opens the door to find her sister standing there*
Natasha: yelena it's so great to see you again thanks for coming come in

Yelena:  hi natasha its been a long time since I last saw you

Natasha: 16 years we have gone longer

*yelena enters the living room to find wanda standing there ready to great her*

Yelena: you must be the famous wanda. Natasha never shuts up about you when I ask her about life

Wanda: well it's a pleasure to finally have you here yelena I have heard so much about you please take a seat can I get you a drink or anything

Natasha: don't worry about it wanda I can get it you sit down yelena you want the same thing yeah
*passes yelena vodka giving herself one as well the sitting next to wanda*

Wanda: so yelena tell me a bit about yourself

Yelena: well my real story or fake story my fake is that my parents are alive in somewhere in Europe my sister moved away had kids and works full time my real story is more depressing

Wanda:okay well let's not go that far what else has been going on with you

Wanda natasha and yelena talk for hours on end until wanda whispers to nat she feels something that she can't explain but is on verge of tears falling  natasha whispers back to her she can take a nap breakdown or she doesn't have to stay shes said hello so she can leave now. Wanda wasn't sure what to do and let's a tear roll down her face tear after tear till more come down her face natasha is wrapping her arms around wanda yelena notices and sots the opposite side to natasha next to wanda wiping Wanda's  tears away

Natasha: hey it's ok listen its okay

Yelena: you're doing great wanda you're fine trust me

Wanda had stopped crying and both girls sat with her till she had calmed down praising wanda to make her feel better

Wanda:I am so sorry I didn't mean to do that it's just

Yelena: its okay wanda you don't have to explain yourself

Natasha: you're fine it's all good don't worry


They help wanda back onto the sofa where wanda has fully called down and fallen asleep with her head on natasha while natasha gently rubs her back for comfort

Yelena: I understand her as well you know

Natasha: I can't imagine her life she lost both her parents at 8 and almost got blown up the same day
She got taken at 16 for hydra to use her powers and almost be used as a weapon
Lost her brother at 17 that was partially our fault but you win some lose some
Had the whole world at her for a small mistake in lagos that was uncalled for
She had to destroy her best friend vision for the world and then got snapped for 5 years

Yelena:well mabey I don't understand her *they both laugh* but where did you think I was you were out with the kids saving the world being a total poser

Natasha: there it is you calling me a poser

Yelena: you're a total poser

*wanda starts to sir awake*

Natasha: well done you just woke wanda up. It's ok darling go back to sleep

Wanda:*half asleep*okay I wuv you

Natasha: love you as well

Yelena:aww that was so cute you got lucky

Natasha: yeah I did I got the best

Yelena: whatever rub it in my face *walking to the kitchen*

Natasha: yelena you're ace you're hardly going to get a boyfriend or girlfriend anyway while you up get me a vodka please I can hardly move

Yelena: sure here *passing her one*

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