disaster Date night

678 16 0


Natasha is lying on the sofa in darkness staring at the ceiling with blurry vision and a migraine

Wanda: nat why is it so dark in here
*opens up a curtain slightly*

Nat: because I l-like the darkness and okay wow that's bright would you mind clo- closing it again please

Wanda: there is nothing wrong with having light in the main area we are in

Nat: *under her breath* there is when it stings and makes your eyes hurt more

Wanda: what was that dear .. wait you're not working for once whats going on

Nat: there was nothing to do no mi missions or anything

Wanda: tasha you always find something to do
What's going on ?

Nat: nothing I just signed out earlier today

Wanda:okay I'm sure you did .... WAIT did you do it remembering we had a date tonight at 8pm

Nat: no-- yes yes I did

Wanda: I love you for doing that

Nat: you're welcome i love you as well now could you please please *breathes heavily* make it dark *straining her eyes *

Wanda:*runs to shut the curtains then infront of natasha* is that better

Nat: thank you that's a lot nicer

Wanda:okay now tell me what's really going on and I can read minds remember

Nat: nothing
*feels wanda staring to read* and I have a small migraine that's making my vision blurred

Wanda: darling you should of told me at first *runs to get a blanket* now why did you log out of work

Nat: because the screen hurt and I can't see so reading is a perfect way to make it worse but happy and Rhodey know they said its fine for me to leave early

Wanda:okay well I got you a blanket you can rest up for the rest of the day

Nat: wands I don't need res---

Wanda:*pulls blanket over natasha and moves her hair out of her face*

Nat: *falls straight asleep*


Nat: *stirs awake* Wanda thank you I need that

Wanda: you're most welcome hope you are feeling better *kisses her forehead*.

Nat: yes a lot *lying over how it only cleared her vision hardly helped at all but still wanted to give wanda a great date so went upstairs to get dressed up *


Wanda: are you ready to leave tasha

Nat: yes I will he down In a second
*looks at wanda with half clear vision* you're looking beautiful tonight as always

Wanda: why thank you my dear and you look stunning

Nat: thanks dear shall we go dine and your turn to drive

Wanda:okay get in what is there to wait for

Natasha: you


The girls talked for hours natasha's views got worse her migraine made the room spin and she lost her appetite so didn't eat anything

Wanda: so I was thinking that we could go on a holiday this year

Nat: s...sounds great *shuts  her eyes*

Wanda: you look pail you good

Natasha: y..yeah a.lll good *eyes close briefly*

Wanda:okay you're starting to scare me you keep shutting your eyes and haven't eaten anything

Natasha: I'm not hungry I'm just tired

Wanda: well we can go because I don't want you getting sick

Nat: please just keep talking

Wanda: I really want to take you home you are in no state to be here tonight

Nat: wan....wanda

Wanda: nat

Nat: please help I ha* falls onto the floor*
Wanda:okay let me help you up

Nat: no I got it *passes out *

Wanda: keep it calm wanda let's go *grabs all nats things and nat and carry her out to the car using her magic to hold them drives back and places nat into there bed *

2 hours later

Nat: *wakes up*wanda what happened

Wanda: you passed out

Nat:well... shi.. I'm so sorry I ruined date night for you

Wanda: no no no its okay we can always re organize it your health is first

Nat: I will make it up to you I promise I'm sorry

Wanda: you're forgiven when you stop working so hard you make yourself sick

Nat: oh yeah I have work tomorr

Wanda: no you don't I called in sick for you while unconscious Rhodes answered so I told him everything if anyone else asks you have a migraine that hurts so bad you can't do anything

Nat: and that's why I love you come here so i cuddle you because i love you

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