cemetery drive

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The rain sounds where loud but the silence was louder it was one of the only sounds to be heard along with tears of everyone in the next four miles and the rain dropping onto umbrellas and graves

Wanda maximoff was standing still holding back tears and letting the rain destroy the outfit she was in while holding blue flowers until she heard footsteps and the rain onto an umbrella behind her

You shouldn't of come here - wanda said trying so hard to to choke on tears

A calm voice greeted Wanda with - and you shouldn't be alone it's your birthday you should be celebrating

Wanda replied with- I'm not the only person who has a birthday today you know nat

Nat was in confusion but took a step forward to slightly cover wanda up from the rain

Don't-Wanda said - I will stand in the rain thank you I'm already soaked so might as well

Nat covered bother her and Wanda with the umbrella and put a jacket over Wanda's shoulders smiled and said - I just don't want you to get sick wanda

Wanda smiled slightly for a few seconds then looked down and frowned again looked and nat and asked- what are you doing her

Nat replied with - you shouldn't be alone

Wanda grind as one tear ran down her face nat immediately wiped it of of her face

I guess I should introduce you two - wanda said kneeling down towards the grave placing the blue flowers down so it didn't look so lonely there where some red ones not left by her but from the Bartons with happy bday  written there when looked at them wanda choked up a little knowing shes not the only one who cares

Nat this is Pietro you never really got a chance to meet only when I took your jacket you can get that back later if you want but yes this is my twin brother Pietro I'm here because it's his birt... it's our birthday we never  spend it apart

Nat knew a I'm sorry for the loss would be a bad thing to say mainly because the avengers killed her brother and she was probably sick of hearing it so she got down on the gravel with wanda said you can keep the jacket because I love you and hugged her around the shoulders

Wanda smiled at both nat and Pietro and let the tears roll down her face normally nat would hate emotions and walk away but she sat with wanda and comforted her until she stopped

Wanda stopped crying and apologised so much nat explained it was okay and how she understands then said she would take her home wanda agreed

Nat left wanda to say bye to Pietro and made a call to tony asking for every surprise birthday party decoration to be taken down in the next 30 minutes or hes dead

The house had been completely covered in birthday decorations for Wanda when nat left and they where gone by the time she got back all because nat wanted wanda to be happy

Wanda saw some decor earlier but when asked where it ws nat answered with I didn't want you to be upset so -she took her into one room with 2 balloons- I put Pietros name on  balloons so that way you can celebrate together

Wanda was showing tear puppy eyes from how sweet it was and she asked if she can let it go
That's why I got them - said nat
With pure excitement wanda opened the window and said happy birthday Pietro in slovenian the ran towards nat on the bed to hug her and balwe her eyes out onto her chest while nat stroked her hair when nat whispered happy birthday wanda I love you

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