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Nat was heating the kettle up for her and wanda. Wanda has been suffering from a cold for the past 2 days and Nat wanted to make her feel better with her favourite drink. Nat was also making herself a coffee as she must find a way to survive the day.

Nat: *carrying over 2 steming hot mugs* here for my princess a freshly made coffee. be careful its hot

Wanda: *smiling cutely wrapped in her blanket sounding stuffed* thank you darling

Nat: my pleasure dear. rest your voice up don't talk as much as the last thing you want is a strained voice. plus it means you have a valid reason to ignore people

Wanda*giggling* true

they both sit on the sofa drinking their coffees till they finish and nat takes them out to the kitchen
Nat takes away her mug and places it on the side then goes back with 2 sheets of kitchen roll and grabs wandas mug either end with the paper and takes it into the kitchen

Wanda: what are you doing?

Nat: I am just being super careful of germs

Wanda: are you ever not going to care about germs

Nat: they are everywhere Wanda and if I can contain them from spreading I will

Wanda: but you will sit and cuddle with me

Nat: yes because you are my girlfriend and I love you nothing can ever take that away from us however mugs with germs left on have a possibility of spreading so ill kill these first.

Wanda: I hope you realise you are making little sense

Nat: for myself I am making very much sense

Wanda: is this your mysophobia talking

Nat: yes sweetheart that is exactly what is happening in my brain

Wanda: okay so you make no sense but since you are the same person who has 3 different types of sanity gel with her at all times it can make sense

Nat: okay but flavoured hand gel is good but doesn't get rid of that many germs as pure gel does and then when we take an unexpected trip to the coffee place or cafe its nice to know our table is freshly cleaned

Wanda: you do you baby if it makes you happy I can learn to make it make sense

Nat: thank you. now seriously rest your voice up darling or it will just get worse and worse

Wanda: Oh right sorry

Nat: don't be just get better

Wanda:*joking around* and germ free

Nat: that would be great *snickering*

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