Chapter 2

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Ponyboy's POV

I couldn't wait for my mom, dad, and Oakley to come home!  They have been gone for 3 weeks with one of Oak's therapist to teach her how to us this new communication program.  I couldn't wait to have an actual conversation with her. Mom and Dad had called and said they were coming home early because Oakley learned so fast.

Oak and me are pretty close. She definitely likes me more than Soda and Soda more than Darry. Soda and Steve came home from work at the local repair garage, "sup, Pone? Ma and Dad back?"

"Nope, thought they'd be here awhile ago." I suddenly realized I was anxious.

"Maybe they had to stop, you know how Oakley can get in car rides," Soda rustled my hair, "I know you're excited."

"Ain't you, Soda?" I asked him, shocked that I ever had to think that.

"Sure I am, but you do much better with her than any of us."

"But she can talk now!" I said incredulously.

Soda looked at me sadly, "Pone, I know you want to be to understand her, but I really don't think their's much up in her brain."

I glared at Soda. He hardly spent any time with her and he acted like he knew all about her! "Oakley's gonna surprise all of ya! She's smarter than you are Soda!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I dreaded saying them.

"Whaddya say?" Soda took a menacing step toward me.

No use backing down now, "I said she's smarter than you!"  Soda shoved me and I shoved him back.

Steve, Soda's best buddy, stepped in between us, "kill each other another day, huh?"  We both grumbled and separated to different sides of the room.  Time crept by...every minute seemed like an hour.  I drew another picture, trying to pass the time.

Around 9:30, there was a knock at the door.  Soda, Steve, and I exchanged worried looks.  Since I was closet, I opened the door.  Two policeman stared back at me, "this is Curtis Residence?"

I nodded, "Dally ain't here.  I ain't see him all day, Sir."

The officer chuckled, "we ain't her for Winston."  Dallas Winston is a good buddy of ours, but he's got the biggest record in all of Tulsa.  "Is there an adult in the house?"

"I'll be 17 soon," Soda spoke up.  The officer gave Soda a stern look, "I'll go call Darry."

Darry's POV

My cell phone started vibrating on my dresser in my hotel room. I glanced at my clock.  It was 10:00pm!  My girlfriend had fallen asleep while we were watching a movie.  "Soda...this better be good," I growled.  I had already planned on coming home tomorrow evening to see my sister.  She got this new device to talk for her.  I've pretty much given up on any hope that she'll talk.

"The police are here." Soda whispered into the phone.

"What?" That got my attention, "where's mom and dad?"

"They're not home yet.  They won't tell us anything until an adult is present."  Soda sounded frantic.  I could make out the sound of Ponyboy crying, "who else is there?"


"Sodapop, listen to me.  I'll be home in 5 hours.  Call Johnny, Two-Bit, and Dally."  I was already throwing on a pair of my blue jeans and my shirts, "see if Two's mom will stay so the cops ain't there the whole time. Did they say anything about Oak?"

"No, I didn't think to ask."

"It's ok. I'm getting to the bus right now." I packed up my uniform and packed my suitcase. We were suppose to play Kansas University, but I don't think I'm gonna be playing, "Coach!" I banged on the door as hard as I could, "I gotta get home. The police are at my parents house, but there's no sign of them or my sister."

Coach raised an eyebrow, "you gotta sister?"

"Uh, yeah." I shook my head, "I gotta go."

Coach handed me $50, "here."

"I have money for the bus."

"Take it for food. You'll be hungry before you get home. Call me as soon as to get answers. It's probably just a miscommunication."

I nodded, trying to let that sink it, but deep down, in the depths of my gut, I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

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