Chapter 3

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Oakley's POV

I woke up with a start. Something hurt, but I wasn't sure where the pain was or how to communicate that I was in pain. I pressed my hands against my ears and rocked back and forth, humming to myself. I couldn't find my iPad.

"Oakley?" I recognized that voice. It was Bethany! "Oakley, honey, are you ok?" She must have seen to panic in my eyes, "honey, you were in a car accident. You hit your head." She brought her hand to her head and I followed suit.  There was something soft wrapped around my head, "Oakley, that's a bandage." I started to rocked again and hum. I was able to shut the rest of world off. I had songs flooding through my mind. I repeated the lyrics of 'Our Song' over and over again until I was completely engulfed inside myself. It was safe here.

Soda's POV

One by one, the guys came flooding in. First to come was Johnny. He and Ponyboy are best friends even though he's 16 and Pone is 14. Johnny don't have a great home life. His parents beat the shit outta him. Johnny's real tan with jet black hair and eyes to match. Johnny hardly talks to anyone but Pony, Oakley, and Dally.

Dallas Winston showed up right after Johnny. He was toying with the cops, amused that they weren't here for him, but worried at the same time. He joined Pony and Johnny on the couch.

Keith Matthews and Mrs. Matthews were the last to show. Keith, or Two-Bit as we like to call him stood over by Steve. The tension was thick and I was relieved that Mrs. Matthews took charge. She marched right up to the officers, "My name is Julie Matthews, what is going on? You are scaring these boys!"

"Darrel and Renee Curtis were in a car accident. They are at Tulsa Memorial."

My heart dropped. I grabbed Pony and hugged him to my chest. Steve put an arm on my shoulder and forced me to sit down.

"Was Oakley with them?" Julie demanded.

"There was a girl with them." The officer confirmed. "She is at the hospital now."

"Mom and Dad," Pony whispered.

"We don't know the status."

"Steve!," Mrs. Matthews snapped at him, "you take Soda and Pony to the hospital. Johnny, go with them!" She turned to Two-Bit and Dally, "Dallas, text Darry and get to the hospital. I am going to go make some phone calls."  She turned toward the police, "you can leave now."

Ponyboy's POV

I rushed into the hospital with Soda at my side, "Curtis!" Soda yelled, "Darrel and Renee and Oakley!"

We didn't get any info on mom and dad, so I raced toward Oakley's room. I recognized Bethany, Oakley's therapist, "what happened?"
Oakley turned at the sound of my voice. She immediately started reaching for me, opening and closing her fists. I held her protectively, "are you hurt?" I asked, looking her over.

"She hit her head. We had to put in a couple stitches." A doctor poked his head in the room. "We ran a scan and we think she's not speaking due to the trauma."

Bethany started to speak but I interrupted her, "she's autistic! Non-verbal! Don't you ever read the fuckin' chart!"

Bethany put a hand on my shoulder, "it's ok, Pony. Have you located her iPad? She just learned how to use it to communicate."

A nurse pulled out her belongings. She handed Oakley a peach and teal tablet. Oakley eagerly reached for it, "mom and dad?" The iPad spoke what she had typed in.

"I...I...don't know." I stammered. Oakley stared off into the distance, not looking at anyone or anything. I touched her shoulder. "Who am I?" I asked while she was looking at me.

She pulled up an album and clicked my picture, "Ponyboy."

Despite everything going on, I couldn't help but laugh with joy. I just had my first conversation with my 11 year old sister.

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