Chapter 8

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Oakley's POV

Graveyards make me nervous.  My skin felt all crawly and I wanted to run, but Pony was holding my hand.  I tugged at my hand, "Oakley, no." He said in a tone that made me mad.  I tugged at my hand again, more forcefully this time, "Oakley, stop!"

I started to whine and rock back and forth.  "I'll take her Pony," Two-Bit and Dally took my hands when Pony let go. 

I immediately started pulling the two of them, trying to get them to come with me.  They followed.  Finally, someone got it.  I started run a little.  I'm not a fast runner.  Pony says I look like a t-Rex when I run.  He, clearly doesn't know what a dinosaur looks like. I didn't stop until I was out of the graveyard. My skin was still tingly, but not as bad as before.

I flicked my fingers and walked in a circle. It was calming for me. I know I do weird things, but I can't help it. I can't explain it either, but I also have the luxury of not understanding that I should be embarrassed.  I don't have any understanding of societal norms.  I prefer facts and evidence.  I pulled my iPad out of my backpack, "park?"

Dally ran his hand through his hair, "that one?"

I nodded.  Dally pulled out his phone and texted one of my brothers and we headed over the park.  I bolted to the swings.  I love swinging.  I swing when I'm in the green zone, red zone, and all the zones in between.

I was still swinging when Darry and Soda came over with Mrs. Thompson, my social worker. I really liked her. She helped me my mom and dad get the grant for my iPad. Darry whispered something to Two-Bit and he nodded.

"Hey Oak," he stopped the swing, "wanna go to McDonald's with me, Dally, Pony, and Johnny."

A huge grin spread across my face. I love McDonald's! I eagerly shook my head yes and hopped off the swing. Soda hugged me, "be good for Two-Bit and Dally."

"Ok. I want chicken nuggets, fries, and milk." I typed into my iPad.

Dally took my hand, "I think I can remember that." We left for McDonald's.

Darry's POV

I was relieved that Two-Bit and Dally took the kids. Soda and I could talk to the social worker freely. Oakley understands so much more than she lets on. We went to a coffee shop across from the park. I ordered my coffee, Soda got some kinda chocolate coffee drink that looked way to sweet for me, and Mrs. Thompson ordered tea.

"Darry, what are your thoughts on becoming a legal guardian for Oakley and Ponyboy?"

I took a sip of coffee, "Ponyboy won't be a problem, but I don't know how to care for Oakley."

"I plan on dropping out and getting a job," Soda jumped in. I glared at him. He ignored me, "I already talked to my boss about getting a full time job there and he said it wouldn't be a problem. I would be making about $20 an hour."

"Soda, it ain't about the money! How are we suppose to care for a nonverbal, preteen, autistic child!"

Mrs. Thompson pushed a file toward me, "Oakley already receives assistance from the state. She has what is called a disability waiver, which is essentially grant money that covers anything she needs that isn't covered by insurance or medical assistance. Your mother used that money for the fence and was in the process of getting an alarm system. She was also a paid parent, which means she made $16 an hour, paid from the waiver to take care of Oak, since Oakley's schedule didn't allow your mother to work."

"Ok..." this was all new information to me, "where do I find a PCA?"

"So, you can go through an agency, but honestly Oakley doesn't need that. I would ask a close friend or family member."

"There are no family members besides us," I said, "Soda and I will both need jobs."

"Wait!" A light bulb went off in Soda's head, "Two-Bit! He's great with her!"

"I don't know, Soda... it's a lot of work." I could see his point too, "I really do want to keep us all together."

Mrs. Thompson offered a small smile, "Oakley also goes to a therapy center. It's call TAC. Tulsa's Autism Center. She is there half days in the school year and full days in the summer." She caught my eye and held my gaze, "Darry, pulling Oakley away from your family would be so detrimental to her. You aren't going to be in this alone."

"Ok..." I said, much more confidently than I sounded, "where do I sign?"

She slid me a form and a pen, "fill this out. I will submit it to the court and will speak on your behalf. Darry, I only have Oakley's best interest in mind. If I didn't think you and your brothers could handle it, I wouldn't even be asking."

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