Chapter 9

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Darry's POV

Ponyboy and I had to take Oak to the development pediatrician.  The center that Oakley goes to has to have her retested once a year to see if she still qualifies for services.  It's one of those insurance things that I don't understand.  I asked Pone to come with us.  He does so much better with her than I do. 

Oakley was in the middle of us, I had one of her hands, Pone had the other.  Every now and then, something would catch her eye and she would try to go toward it.  She kept tugging my hand and pointing to the Starbucks, "No, Oakley, we aren't getting coffee," I said firmly.  I mean, why else would you go to Starbucks.

She tugged my hand again and tried to pull us in the direction of the Starbucks again.  She started making little grunting noises, "we got time, Dare," my youngest brother chimed in.

I sighed, "fine.  Whaddya want Oak?"

She pulled us toward the counter.  She pulled out her iPad, "hi Joan."

A woman around my age came around the counter, "hi Oakley!" She hugged her hard, "how are you?  Do you want your Strawberries and Cream Frappe?"  She had tears in her eyes.  She was just as excited as we had been hearing Oakley 'talk' for the first time.

"Yes, please."

Joan must have seen our confusion, "sorry.  Every time Oakley comes in, she gets a Strawberries and Cream Frappe."

I glanced at Pony, who shrugged.  He didn't know that either.  We waited while Joan made Oakley's drink, "thank you." Oakley pressed the button on her iPad.

"Anything for my favorite girl!" Joan grinned and hugged her again, "where's your mama?"

Oakley's face twisted in a frown and she shook her head.  A tear slid down her cheek.  I leaned over to her and caught a whiff of her floral perfume, "our parents passed away a few weeks ago." I whispered.

Her hand flew to her mouth, tears filled her eyes, "I had no idea! I'm so sorry!"

I nodded, "I'm Darry Curtis.  This is her other brother, Ponyboy."

"It's nice to meet you.  I've heard many things about you.  All good things," she assured.  "Is this Oakley's, 'make sure she's still autistic appointment?'"

I had to laugh at that, "that actually sums it up really good!  I think it's for insurance purposes or something through the state."  I pulled out my wallet to pay her for the drink.

"Oh no, it's on the house."  She hugged Oak again, "she just brightens everyone's day.  We love seeing her."

Oakley grinned in agreement as I took her hand, "thank you.  I'm sure we'll be seeing you around."

Joan smiled again, "bye sweet girl!  It was nice to meet you, Darry and Ponyboy."

Oakley waved and sipped her drink happily.

Soda's POV

It had been two weeks since the funeral.  I was working full time at the local gas station with Steve, my best buddy.  Darry and Pony took Oakley to the doctor.

We both leaned over the car, "the transmission is shot." Steve muttered, "the guy would be better off getting a new car."

"How many miles is on this thing?" I asked.

"250,000.  Surprised it last this long to be honest."  Steve slammed the hood down.  "You doing ok, Sodapop?"

I nodded, "as good as I can be." 

I wanted to say more, but I heard, "hi Soda, hi Steve."

"Hey Oakley!" I swung her around, "did you have fun at the doctor?"  She made a face and shook her head.  She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted.  For a kid that can't talk, she definitely gets her point across, "so?  How'd it go?"

"Well, Oak's still autistic." Pony said, plopping down on a stack of tires.

Steve stared at him, "wait? What?  It goes away?"

"No, you idiot." I slapped him upside the head, "she's gonna have autism forever."  Steve looked confused.  I clapped him on the back as I laughed, "I know.  It's a lot, but try to keep up, huh?"

"When are you done?" Darry asked, ignoring me and Steve.

"In an hour.  Me and Steve bring dinner home."

Oakley's iPad went off, "chicken nuggets?"

Steve laughed, "always, kiddo, always."

Oakley CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now