Chapter 13

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Dally's POV

It was my turn to watch the little squirt today. I didn't really mind watching Oak. She didn't say anything so she wasn't bugging me with stupid questions.  Darry gave me a list of instructions, just like he always did, "do not," he jabbed his finger into my chest, "do not put swear words in Oakley's tablet."

I bark out a laugh, "c'mon, Darry, don't be such a buzzkill."

Darry shoved past me, not amused with my antics.  He knelt down in front of the 11 year old, "Oak? Dally is gonna stay with you today."

Oakley nodded and her tablet said, "ok, Darry." Man, I don't think I'll ever get used to that thing talkin' for her.

He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and turned toward me again, "get her outside today. It's nice out." With that, he was out the door, leaving me with the kid.

I slumped onto the couch and put my feet up on the coffee table. I pulled out my phone and started texting Two-Bit. I wanted to bring Oakley to the mall where some of the middle class and Socs hung out. Oakley is a chick magnet.  I ain't above using her to get a little action, especially from some of the upper society, if ya catch my drift.  "Oakley, c'mon, let's get you dressed."

"No thank you," her iPad answered me. 

I raised my eyebrow, "did you just talk back to me?"  All that answered me was silence, "Oak?" Still nothing... "damn kid is ignoring me," I muttered under my breath, irritated that I was being ignored by this little girl.  "Oakley, you need to get dressed so we can go outside," I raised my voice, "Oakley, are you ignoring me?"


I let out a groan, clearly annoyed with the 11 year old. She couldn't talk, but she sure get mouthy. I glanced over and her. She looked up and grinned cheekily as her iPad said, "McDonalds".

I rolled my eyes, "fine, we can go to McDonalds, but you have to get dressed." I finally found the black cotton leggings and a bright yellow shirt with a colorful flower in center that Darry had laid out. I handed them to her. She started to undress, but I had pointed to the bathroom door, "privacy, remember. We can't take our clothes off in the living room." Oakley stomped her foot, displeased with me, but she complied with his direction. While she was changing, Two-Bit walked into the house. I saw him and made a face, "she is mouthy today. Had to promise her McDonalds just so she would get dressed."

Two-Bit cackled, "man, she owns you and she knows it!" I scowled, but I didn't really mind all that much. Oakley was the only person who could give me a run for my money. She didn't care about my record or that i had never been beaten in a fight. She didn't care if I was drunk or stoned. She just knew that when she was with me, she was safe and taken care of.


The mall was busy when they showed up. Oakley touched her ears and I placed her ear defenders on, earning another smirk from Two, "she can do that herself, ya know..."

I shoved him, "yeah well, maybe I just put them on better."

"Sure," Two-Bit chuckled as he pointed to young girl as she took them off and placed them back on.

"Whatever," I muttered and reached down and took Oakley's hand, "let's head over this way.  There was some fine lookin' ladies over there."  Two-Bit took Oakley's other hand and we headed off in the direction of the Starbucks.


I stood in line behind the two good looking gals ahead of me.  Two-Bit was happy because one just happened to be blonde.  He knelt down next to Oakley, "hey, do you want your usual?"

She nodded and glance around.  This was a different Starbucks than they normally go too.  I saw her confusion, "it's ok.  The drinks are the same.  I promise." 

Oakley started to whine, "Joan" her iPad spoke which caused the two girls in front to turn around.

Two and I  both noticed, but kept there attention on Oakley, "Joan works at the Starbucks at the doctors."

"Same drink?"

"Same drink, kiddo," Two-Bit reassured her.  Oakley settled down and continued to look around.

"Ummmm sorry to ask, but is that iPad how she communicates?"

I rested my hand on Oakley's shoulder and gave the lady one of my irresistible smiles, "sure is."

"That is incredible!" The other one chimed in, "technology now a days in amazing!"

I smirked, knowing how I could learn their names, "Can you tell them your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Oakley.  My name is Jenna," the blonde said.

"Hi Oakley," the other spoke, "I'm Leslie."

Two-Bit held out his hand, "I'm Keith and this here is Dallas."  We shook hands.

"Are you related to her?" Leslie asked as she tucked a strand of burgundy locks behind her ear.  She smiled shyly at me.

"No, we're just really good friends of the family.  Everyone else was working."

"Awwww that is so sweet!"  Jenna exclaimed.  "You two must be saints."

Oakley started to giggle.  She pulled up a picture of Dally, turned it and showed it to the girls.

Leslie and Jenna both backed up, "you're Dallas Winston?"

"Sure am babe."

Jenna pointed to the picture, "nice mug shot." She looked disgusted, "c'mon, Leslie, we don't need to be around these punks."  The girls stalked off.

"Where did you get my mugshot?"  I was kinda pissed.


Two was about to die of laughter, "oh shit, that's great!"


"Yeah, let's go," I grumbled.  We left the mall and I drove us to McDonalds.  Oakley was happily eating a French fry, "I cannot believe I just got cock blocked by an 11 year old!"

My anger melted away when Oakley said, "my Dally."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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