Chapter 11

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Darry's POV

After everyone was in bed, I pulled out my laptop to finish up some homework. I decided to take some on-line classes to finish my business degree.  I still had my scholarship for this semester, at least, may as well make use of it.

Just as I was submitting my assignment, my cell phone beep.  Riley, my girlfriend, texted me.

R: I miss you
D: miss you too
R: come back to school
D: I can't.  I have to take care of my brothers and sister.
R: You don't have too.  Look, Darry, I get that you think you have to pick up pieces, but you can't just throw your life away.

I'd be lying if I said that Riley's words didn't make me stop and think. Would it make me a terrible person if I had second thoughts? Am I selfish? 

R: besides, do you even know how to take care of your disabled sister than you never mention?

Ok, that one's true that I never really spoke about Oakley.  I never really bothered to learn about autism at all.  I set my phone down and leaned back on my bed. Maybe, I'm not the best on to take care of her.

D: I can't just abandon my family.
R: What about us?
D: What do you mean?
R: I really care about you, but I don't want to be saddled with your siblings.
D: Riley, I can't do this right now. My parents are dead. My brothers and sister are all I left.
R: Would your parents want you to quick school? Throw your life away?
D: My parents taught me that family is everything.

I set my phone down. I didn't want to have this conversation right now. I knew that Riley and I weren't going to last, but I wasn't ready to let that go.

I logged of my laptop and flipped off my light. I tried to shut my brain off, but the thoughts kept swirling round and round.

Oakley's POV

I climbed out of bed.  I wanted to go for a walk.  I like to walk.  I wanted to walk to the park and go swing.  I don't have a swing at my house.  I opened the door and walked down the street.  It was dark.  I don't really like the dark, but I really wanted to swing. 

Soda's POV

I woke up to the sound of the door being slammed.  "Ugh, it was probably Two-Bit." I grumbled, turning onto my side.  I rolled over one more time and knew I wasn't going back to sleep.  I went into the kitchen for a glass of water.  I opened my mouth to growl at Two-Bit, but he wasn't there!  Nobody had come into the house!

I ran into Oak's room.  Sure as shit, her bed was empty.  I started panicking, "Darry!  Ponyboy!"  I was already slipping my shoes on, "Oakley's missing!"

Pony raced out of his room, "what?!" He was just as panicked as I was, "her shoes are still here!"

Darry stumbled groggily out of his room, "what's going on?"

"Oakley's gone!" I yelled as I pulled my jacket on and ran out the door.

Darry and Pony were running next to me, "Pony, where would she go?"

"I...I...don't know?  She hardly wanders anymore!"

I turned to him, "she's done this before?"

"Yeah, that why Mom and Dad tried to get a fence put in.  We were in the process of getting an alarm system before..." he looked down, "ya know."

"And you didn't think to tell us this?!?" Darry yelled.

"I'm sorry," Pony whispered.  I felt bad for him.

"We're not gonna find her by fighting with each other!"  I got in between my brothers.  "Where would she go?"

"She likes to swing."  As soon as the phrase left Ponyboy's mouth, we were racing to the park.  Sure enough, Oakley was on the swing, however my blood froze...3 Socs were surrounding my sister.

Soda's POV

"Hey!" He marched forward, "leave her alone!"

"We're just being friendly," one of the Socs sneered, "but she's being rude.  Won't even say hi."

"Oakley doesn't talk, Crater Face!" Pony shot back.

That caught the Socs attention, "really?" He knelt down by Oakley who kept swinging away, "you don't speak at all?"  She continued to ignore him, "what's wrong with ya?" He spat at her.

Darry had the guy by the collar in a flash, "she's autistic, you ignorant shit."  He threw the guy aside and rushed to Oakley.  "Oakley, you can't just leave like that!"

"Dare, she don't have her iPad." I pointed out, "or her shoes or jacket."

Darry stopped yelling and picked her up, "let's get you home."  She whined and pointed at the swing, "no," Darry said firmly, "it's dark out and cold."

She whimpered some more, but eventually laid her head on Darry's shoulder.

When we got back to the house, Oakley ran into Mom and Dad's room and climbed into their bed. She snuggled into their bed. I started walking away when I heard a small noise. Oakley was holding her hand out. I took it and she pulled on me. I sat on the bed, but she continued to pull on me.

"She wants you to lay with her," Pony informed. Oak looked relieved.

I laid down and she immediately cuddled into my side. I glanced up at Darry, "guess I'm staying her tonight."

I got settled and turned of the light. Oakley's breathing became slower as she drifted off to sleep.

I closed my eyes, allowing sleep to overcome me.

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