Chapter 12

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Darry's POV

I stared at the mountain of paperwork in front of me.  I had to fill all this out so we could get an alarm system for the house.  Oakley has wandered out of the house at least three times this week.  Her waiver will cover the cost and installation, but I had to prove that she needed one and get at least 2 bids from 2 different alarm companies. I could already feel the tension headache building, so I popped some Advil and poured myself a cup of coffee.

Oakley was out on the couch watching her iPad. She loved watching other kids play with toys. They weren't toys that an 11 year old would enjoy either, they were those kind that would pop up when a button was hit or a switch was flicked. I asked her therapist about it and she said that was normal for Oakley. I guess some kids with autism like toys that are made for toddlers or preschoolers.

I turned back to my paperwork.  The first page was the typical name, birthday, address, etc.  The second page was more difficult, it asks about times that she left the house...did she have clothes, shoes, and weather appropriate outerwear.  Did she communicate that she was leaving?  Day time or night time?  It was enough to may my head spin.

I was so involved with the application that I didn't hear the knock on the door until I heard the robotic tone of Oak's iPad, Darry...a girl is at the door.

Frowning, I set the pen down and made my way into the living room, "can I help you?"  I started to say before I looked up and saw Riley.  I was thrown off, we hadn't spoken in weeks, "Riley?" I was unsure of how to proceed.

"You haven't returned any of my calls!" She started shoved her finger in my face.

I held up my hands, "Riley, I've been really busy.  You realize that my parents are dead and I have guardianship of my brothers and sister."

"I came here to give you one last chance!" She crossed her arms over her chest, "me or them."

I cleared my throat, "Them..." she looked shocked, "you know how important family is to me."

Riley glared at me, then at Oakley, "family is so important to you!  I didn't even know you had sister, much less a handicapped one...why are you even wasting your time on her?  She won't amount to anything!  Put her in a facility or something!"

I could feel my anger building, "she is an amazing little girl!  You have no idea how smart she is!"

Riley snorted, "we're so done!"  With that she slammed the door so hard the whole house shook.

I slumped into my chair and put my head in my hands.  Part of my wondered if Riley was right.  I knew Oakley had some sort of intelligence up there, but I don't really know how much.

Oakley's POV

I opened the door when I heard the knock.  I knew it wasn't Dally, Two-Bit, or Steve.  They wouldn't knock on the door.  There was a lady I had never seen before, "is your brother home?" She was angry.

I thought that was a stupid question.  Clearly, Darry's truck was in the driveway.  I nodded.  I could feel her anger.  I decided I didn't want to look at her anymore.  She made me feel nervous.  I started rocking back and forth.  I didn't like how loud she was.  I walked over to my backpack and pulled out my ear defenders.  She wasn't so loud anymore.  She kept saying the she was done.  If she is done, why is she still talking?

Finally, the door slammed.  Darry looked like he was in blue zone.  I could tell because he sat with his head down.  I took my ears off and gave him a hug.  Then I pulled out my iPad and typed, are you ok?

"No Oakley, but I will be." He sighed.

Don't worry Darry. I typed out.  Then I went to a new folder that had different words in it.  I clicked the one that was most appropriate for the situation.

Darry's POV

It was cute, watching Oakley trying to make me feel better, however, I wasn't expecting her to say, she is a bitch.

That snapped me out of it, "what did you say?"

She is a bitch, I don't know if she is a cunt though.

I was trying so hard not to laugh, "Oakley," I asked, keeping my tone firm, "those are bad words."  I took her iPad and scrolled through it.  There was all sorts of colorful language on there, "Oakley...why are these words here."

She took her iPad back and wrote, Dally.

I shook my head, "of course he did..."

Oakley CurtisWhere stories live. Discover now