Chapter 7

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Sodapop's POV

It was the day of the the funeral. I forced myself to get up and shower. After I dressed, I went into the kitchen. Oakley sat at the table, eating yogurt, blueberries, and granola. She still struggled to eat with a spoon, but she was getting better at it. Mrs. Thompson mentioned that she does OT or Occupational Therapy. I don't fully understand it, but it's suppose to help with sensory stuff and things like writing, tying shoes, getting dressed, every day things like that.

"Hi Soda." Oakley gave me a smile.

I couldn't help but smile back. I kissed her on the head, "Good morning, Oak."

"Today is a sad day."

"Yeah, it is." I agreed. I have no idea if she even understands what's going on. Sometimes she 'calls' for Mom and Dad on her iPad.  Other times she will lay in their bed, but for the most part she doesn't 'say' too much.

I scrambled some eggs for myself and my brothers.  I wasn't hungry, but figured I should try to eat something.  It was going to be a long day.  Darry came around the corner and poured himself a cup of coffee.  He sat down next to Oakley.  He pulled up an icon and began dragging pictures into a schedule.  Once he was done, he tapped her to get her attention, "Oakley, first get dressed, then brush teeth."  She nodded. 

I had to laugh, "ya know Dare, she can follow more than two step directions."

As if to prove my point, Oakley made her own schedule with the pictures, "get dressed, brush teeth, brush hair, get socks, get shoes, pack backpack."

She, then, pointed to the icon of her backpack.  It opened with a list of different items that she would need: snacks, water bottle, ear defenders, iPad charger, fidgets, and her plushie.

"You do know what you need to do, huh?" Darry asked, amused.  He and I were always floored by how much she knew.  She wasn't a dumb kid by any means.  She was pretty damn smart.  We forget that just cause she doesn't talk, doesn't mean she doesn't understand what's going on around her. 

"Yes, Darry.  I know what I need to do."  She didn't look up from her yogurt.

"Ok.  You're clothes are on your bed."  She finished eating, put her bowl in the sink, and walked to her room.

Darry finished his coffee, "we need to decide what we're going to do?"

"About today?" I asked confused.

"No, bout what happens to Oakley and Ponyboy after today.  I ain't too worried about you.  You're almost an adult, but Pony and Oak...well, they're minors."

"Darry?  Are you saying you don't want custody?"  I guess I kind of assumed that we were all gonna stay together.

"I don't know.  Oakley has a lot of needs.  I can get a job, but it ain't gonna be enough."

"I'll get a full time job." I cut him off, "I can get a job at a garage somewhere.  Hell, that's the only class I'm passing!"

"What about school?"

"I'll drop out."  I had never been so sure of a decision in my entire life.

Darry gave me a weak smile, "we'll talk later, ok?  Mrs. Thompson will have some input too.  I want to keep us all together.  I just don't know if I can."

I felt numb.  It was like a giant stick his hand through my gut and scooped out my insides.  We needed to stay together.  We just had too.

My thoughts were interrupted by the iPad, "help please?"  Oak pointed to her sleeves.

"Want then rolled up?"

She nodded.  She had on a pair of black yoga pants, but with her blue button up shirt, they looked like dress pants.  One thing we learned very quickly was that Oak did not like anything around her wrists.  She either needed her sleeves rolled up, or she preferred tank tops and tee shirts.  Pants were also a struggle.  She only like yoga pants or leggings.  The softer the better. 

We headed out to the car.  I opened the door so she could climb in, "Soda? Hug?"

I gave her a tight hug.  We just had to stay together.

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