Chapter 6

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Third Person POV

Pony stared at the doctor in horror. Did he really just say that? He thought to himself.  Next to him, Soda was sobbing into Steve.  Johnny was quietly crying.  Two-Bit, for once, didn't have a smile and his eyes had no laughter in them.  Steve was comforting Soda, trying desperately to hold it together.  Dallas, well, Dallas just looked pissed. Darry put his head in his hands, allowing a tears to shed. 

Oakley looked around, confused.  She bit her bottom lip.  She knew what death was.  Her grandparents had died.  Everybody dies.  Didn't her brothers know that?  It wasn't that she didn't care, she did.  She knew that she would miss her mom and dad terribly, but death happens to everyone.  It's a part of life.  She didn't understand the full impact of this.  How could she?  She was only 11. 

Ponyboy was crying next to her.  She reached over and hugged him.  He held her back and cried into her hair.  She knew that she liked hugs when she was upset so she hugged him.  Hoping to make him feel better.

Darry's POV

Oakley was released from the hospital later that day. The gang and I went home. I had texted Mrs. Thompson and told her we were on our way home. I was confused. Oakley didn't mention mom and dad. She didn't cry. She did nothing but hug everyone. 

It was strange, walking into our house, knowing mom and dad would never come through that door again.  I put an arm around each of my brothers, "we're gonna get through this,"'hoping I sounded more confident than I felt.

Pony and Soda went off into Soda's room. I'm glad they had each other. Pony and I aren't anywhere near as close as he and Soda are. Oakley had settled on the couch with her iPad next to her. She was flicking her fingers open and shut. I don't know if she understood what was going on. I wasn't even sure if I should push it.

Mrs. Thompson arrived. I made coffee and we sat in the kitchen. She had her hand over mine, "Darry? Do you know where the will is or if you're parents had any life insurance?"

I nodded, "it's in the file cabinet in their room. My mom also has an electronic copy saved on her laptop."  I took a drink of my coffee, "does Oakley understand what's going on?"

"Probably not.  She knows that people die, but I don't think she understands it was her parents.  It may take her a few weeks or months to realize it."

"She kept hugging us."

"That's huge.  She saw you crying, realized it you were sad, and acted appropriately."

"How am I gonna do this?" 

As if to answer my question, Oakley came into the kitchen.  "Darry?" The iPad caught my attention.  I looked up at Oakley's big brown eyes, "can I have noodles, applesauce, and cookie?"

Mrs. Thompson offered me a smile, "that's how."

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