04 | this whore declared war

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"FIONA'S MARRIED," WERE THE first words Amara heard from her boyfriend in over two days, and she nearly spat out the soda she was drinking.

"Come again?"

"Fiona got married—well I'm not supposed to tell you that but I mean, fuck, she's married."

Amara dragged a hand down her face. "To who? Her boss?"

"Some guy named Gus," Lip replied. "I don't know. I haven't even met him."

"Okay wait can you like...backtrack? It's way too early and I swear to God you just told me your sister, Fiona fucking Gallagher, is married to some random person and you, her closest sibling, hasn't even met."

"No, you heard me correctly."

"I think I need a minute," she fell onto her bed, staring at the ceiling. "No, like I need several minutes."

"Well, I'm going back to school."

She felt her brows furrow. "Already? It's only July. That's so early."

"Yeah, I called and asked if I could get set up in the dorms early since I'm going to be an RA. They said as long as I helped with freshman orientation it'd be okay."

"Lip," her tone rose suspiciously. "What happened?"

"What?" He let out a chuckle. "Nothing happened."

"You lying piece of shit, tell me right now. Did you do something? Tell me you smashed another car window."

"There's been a uh, new establishment built a block away from us. An overpriced coffee shop. I hate to say it, but Frank was right. They're trying to up the property value to get more rich people moving in. Get us out."

Amara looked over to Logan who stirred from her own bed, one leg sliding off the edge. "And?"

"Well, Mickey and his brothers tried to get me to rob it. I just couldn't. All I could hear was you yelling at me. And... And if I get imprisoned everything I've worked so hard for would be ruined."

"Did Mickey college shame you?"


"So I'm right?"

"Yeah," he said. "Pretty much."

"Well don't let him get to you. Dickhead's probably just jealous and most likely can't even recite the alphabet."

"You think? I mean, you don't think I've become some northside kid who believes he's better than everyone else around him, do you?"

"You already think you're better than anyone around you," she smirked and sat up, stretching her arms over her head and balanced the phone on her shoulder. "But no, I don't. Besides, being smart is sexy."

"God, I'm about to throw up," Logan announced, the blanket falling off her as she hopped out of her bed. "It's eight in the morning. Could you keep the flirting to a minimum?"

"Who is that?"

"My bitchy annoying lonely roommate," Amara answered, grinning when Logan went to attack her with a pillow, which she fought off with her legs. "I'll call you later. This whore just declared war."

"Wow, that rhymed."

"Yeah, your girlfriend is just a genius like that," she said, still pushing Logan away as she hung up the phone. "Oh, it's on!"

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now