04 | premartial sex

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"HEY," AMARA STOOD UP from her chair in surprise once Lip stepped inside of the room. His tank top was drenched and she felt her brows draw together. "Jesus, did you run here? I thought you had work, what's going on?"

He shook his head and Amara noticed quite a few people staring at them. She took his hand and led him to her desk, handing him her water bottle, which he downed. "Power outage at work. I just needed something to keep me busy. What're you doing?"

She shrugged and sat on her desk next to him. "Uh, just researching topics to write. My lunch break is in a few, wanna go to that diner they built a few blocks up?"

"Nah," he traded the water bottle back to her. "I don't plan on sticking around. I just wanted to see you."

"Fine," she kicked his leg gently and rolled her eyes. "But I'm not bringing you back any cake this time."

He swatted her leg away, and she stilled at the sudden contact, but shouting from down the hallway sounded, and Lip didn't have the time to comment on her reaction as they both turned their head towards the commotion.

"You are a disgusting pig! Hitting on your co-workers who are more than three decades younger than you, sexually harassing them so they quit one by one, and I'm stuck without all of my good writers! I have had it up to this, pack up your shit and leave."

"Who is that?" Lip whispered to her, Amara didn't look away from the scene.

"I think that's someone from headquarters. Like the CEO."

"Who is that guy?"

"That's Frank," she scowled. "The sexist one I told you about. I had no idea he was doing more than just..."


"At least his ass is getting fired," Amara mused, still watching as Frank threw a fit and protested against his boss, but eventually gave up. "Damn, I've been waiting for that to happen since I first got here."

"You know what that mean-"

"Get back to work!" The CEO demanded, both Amara and Lip ducked their heads, snickering.

"Feels like we're back in high school."

She smirked. "You mean getting in trouble every five seconds because neither of us ever shut up?"

He poked her nose, and she pulled a face at him. "I mean exactly that."

"Romantic," she commented as she stepped into the bathroom, which had been the last room she'd expected to see Lip in, but he was lounging in the tub, smoking a cigarette. "So, I lied. I bought you cake anyway because I'm just so amazing."

He cringed and blew out the cigarette as if it tasted sour, and moved onto a different pack. Amara tried not to let her surprise show at the pile of boxes on the floor next to him. "You're so good to me."

She offered the box to him and leaned on the edge of the tub, dropping a hand into the water. "Jesus, aren't you cold?"

He shook his head and took a bite of cake. "Not after all the running I've been doing today."

She pursed her lips. "Fair enough."

He stared up at her. "What, you don't like bathing in cold water?"

"No," Amara scoffed. "I'm not a psycho like you-" She shrieked as he pulled her into the water by her waist, and squeezed her eyes shut as the soapy water splashed upwards. "Lip! What the fuck?"

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now