05 | i'm selling your nuts on ebay

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"HOW WERE THEY?" VERONICA asked as Kev picked up the crib and she handled the babies. Their vacation ended quicker than Amara expected, but she wasn't complaining. Babysitting twins wasn't easy, but she supposed it was good practice. For future purposes, or whatever.

Amara smiled sweetly at her. "Absolute angels."

Veronica rolled her eyes, and grabbed her purse. "Fishing out compliments for my children's behavior will not make me pay you any higher."

She shrugged. "I had to try."

Veronica shook her head as they started to leave. "You're ridiculous."

"So I've been told," Amara replied, trailing behind them.

"How's that job hunt going?" Kev asked, glancing over his shoulder. "We have Svet working at the bar but I'll gladly replace you with her. At least you have some customer service skills."

Veronica scoffed. "Yeah, all she knows how to do is pop a tiddy and not smile at anyone."

"Had those hipsters's attention for a while there, though," Kev pointed out once they reached the front door. "But really, thanks for watching the girls, Mara."

She nodded. "Oh, anytime. They seriously were well behaved. Let me know if you need a sitter again."

"We will. Later."

"Bye!" Amara called, shutting the door and making her way to the kitchen, to where Gloria was stood at the stove. "Hey, need any help with cooking dinner? I figured I could up my skills list and at least learn how to make uh... Spaghetti." Gloria didn't answer, instead, she put a hand onto the counter as if she were balancing herself. "Grandma?"

"I'm fine," she waved her off. "Just lightheaded again."

Amara stepped closer to her cautiously. "Did you have any water today?"

"That's it," Gloria nodded, but her eyes were glossed over as if she were trying to remember something. "I'm probably dehydrated. Help me to a chair, would you dear?"

"Oh, yeah," Amara led her to a seat at the table before moving to grab a cup. Even watching her grandmother drink the entire thing didn't ease her worry, but Gloria shook her head.

"I'm fine. Go. You've got work."

She swallowed. "Yeah. I'll be back for dinner, okay?"

"See you later alligator."

Amara snickered over her shoulder. "Nobody says that."

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" Amara demanded, eyeing up Margot who was sorting through her closet—where all of her nice clothes were strung up.

"None of my blazers fit me anymore," Margot answered. "Was hoping to borrow one of yours for my job interview today."

Amara nearly choked on her water. "You have a job interview?"

Margot sighed and turned to face her. "I told you, I'm done. No more black outs. No more hacking up a lung. I'm done. I'm going to be the mother I should've been to both you and Silvia years ago."

"Right," Amara tapped the doorframe. "Well, please be sure to give me back my shirt later tonight without any vomit or piss stains."

Margot's hand on her arm stopped Amara from leaving. "Why don't you believe me?" She asked, peering at her. "Why don't you believe I can change?"

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now