06 | i dare you...

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"I'VE MADE IT SO that the computer we upload the slideshows from can't be tracked," Payton informed as they gathered around a table at breakfast the following morning. "I guess taking computer coding in primary really paid off."

"So when should it start?" Logan asked, leaning forward in her seat as Amara ate her salad.

"Twelve fifteen."

"Three minutes."

"Oh, and get this," Payton's smirk grew. "It will broadcast across all of the school's television systems, too. So the ones in the hallways? Check. Which means, you don't have to be eating your lunch to get a show."

"Forget me being the genius," Amara said. "Look at you." Payton beamed, clearly proud of herself, and she had every right to be. "That asshole is going to get what's coming to him. Even if it's fake."

"This is so exciting, isn't it?" Payton wondered. "Breaking the rules."

"Now you sound like Hermione Granger."

"Oh," Payton poked out her tongue. "Why? Because I'm British?"


"That's a compliment," Amara nodded at her. "I'd kill to look like Emma Watson."

"She's just so hot," Payton agreed, but then her eyes widened, and a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Moving on," Amara interrupted before things could get weird and before Logan had the chance to get upset. "It's twelve fifteen."

A loud gasp sounded from behind, and the cafeteria's laughter and chattered raised as everyone pointed and stared at the pictures on the hanging screens. George's face was photoshopped onto naked bodies of men—each picture having one penis smaller than the next. They were all very clearly edited, but that didn't make it any less funny. The text boxes at the bottom that Amara added on only made the laughter grow louder in the room.

George Westfall: the only person known to mankind with a dick so small it looks like a mosquito fang.

Our sources have said from experience that it feels like swimming while having sex with George Westfall. Many others have often admitted to asking "if it was in" while attempting to have intercourse with this leper dicked man.

Want an exact measurement? Try comparing your thumb to an ant.

The pictures continued to change for a good five minutes before the screen went blank, and the Dean's voice could be heard over the loudspeaker, she offered an apology for the inconvenience and promised that whoever was behind the scandalous activity would be caught. Amara could only smirk at Payton. Yeah, sure they'd be caught.

"You know, if you guys just gave me more time I could've come up with something better," Amara said, walking next to the other two girls, who were also eating their ice cream. "That was like the most mediocre revenge thing I've ever planned."

"The pics are down though," Payton pointed out, nodding to herself with a grin. "That's all that matters."

"We definitely made a statement," Logan agreed, tossing her plastic bowl and spoon into the closest trash can.

"Speaking of making statements," Amara's gaze caught the giant sign outside the store they were standing in front of.

Logan raised a brow. "What? You want to get your bellybutton pierced or something?"

"My nose," Amara looked away. "I'll probably pussy out, anyway. Come on."

"No," Payton grabbed her arm. "Come on. You'd look good with one. Not a septum, though. Your nose is too small."


Logan huffed. "She's right, you know. She'll just chicken out."


"What? I'm not lying."

"Only I can say that about myself."

"Fine," Logan smirked and crossed her arms. "I dare you to go get your nose pierced. What was that you told me? Amara Gilbert never backs down from a challenge? So don't break your streak now."

Payton was staring at her in awe, and Amara let a sly smile appear at her lips. "Someone just fell in love."

"Piss off," Payton shoved her, flushing. "And get in the store before we drag you by your hair."

"Fuck, it really hurts," Amara complained, wincing, and stepping out of the building a half hour later. Logan smacked her hand away when she went to mess with it again. She'd gotten a cute little crescent one that resembled Mandy's slightly, except for the fact that it was on her other side.

"Well, don't fuck with it."

"You handled that like a pro," Payton said, smiling at her. "I would be bawling."

"Oh, don't worry, the temptation to cry was definitely there."

this is superrrrr short but i want to get back on track with the actual show and not just amara's separate plot line. i'm bad at coming up with my own stuff oops

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