05 | kick them in the face

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THE ADRENALINE THAT WAS pumping through Amara's veins was so strong that she probably would've been able to run to the prison on foot, and Lip honestly couldn't seem to be driving any slower. They'd left Freddie with Logan and Tami, who had been more than excited to watch him, and she was only slightly embarrassed to admit that she had temporarily forgotten all about her son as they pulled up to the gate.

"Hey," Lip called out once Ian's figure appeared outside of the door, dropping his arm from around her shoulders, the two of them straightening off the hood. "How was prison? Turn you gay?"

"Yeah," Ian nodded his head and neared the exit. "I'm a big ol' cock hound now. You know if you weren't my brother I'd—"

Amara rolled her eyes just as the guard who was stood next to the gate spoke. "Shut the fuck up and get outta here."

The barrier separating the three of them faded behind the him. Amara could barely feel her legs as she bolted over to Ian the second he was outside of the fence. Somehow, he still smelt like himself. Like he hadn't just spent the last eleven months in a jail cell. She pulled back almost reluctantly to let Lip have his turn with his brother, and slipped the keys from his back pocket in the meantime—half surprised that she didn't get caught.

"You guys have caramel on you or something?"

"Oh, no," Amara shook her head. "Lip is the vape king now."

"Shut up," he shoved her lightly, and she returned the gesture with a grin. "I'm trying to quit for Freddie."

"Oh, speaking of," Ian glanced between them and then into the car. "Where is he?"

"Mar didn't feel too keen about bringing a newborn here so..." Lip trailed off. "He's at home with a couple of our friends."

"Damn, was really hoping to see the little guy," Ian sighed, reaching a hand out to Amara who ducked under so it wrapped around her shoulders like Lip's had been only moments prior.

"So, what do you want to do?" Lip asked, stepping beside her and interlocking his fingers with her free arm. "White Castle?"

"Nah," Ian replied. "Kinda just want to go home. I miss everybody."

"Soft bitch," Lip teased. "Fuck, wait where are the keys?"

Amara smirked smugly and shared a look with Ian as Lip patted down his jeans. The redhead examined the vehicle. "So whose car is this?"

"Mine," she answered, walking over to the driver's seat as if her boyfriend still wasn't on the other side frantically looking for the keys. "I took out a loan for it a couple months before Freddie was born. I didn't want to have to walk everywhere with Freddie on my hip."

"Fuck, babe I think I lost the- what the hell?"

Her mouth tugged up further. "You drive like a grandma."

Lip scowled at her. "There was traffic."

She stared dumbfounded at him and shook her head when he went to open the passenger door. "No, children sit in the back."

Ian threw his head back with a laugh as Lip grunted, but slid into the backseat as the remaining two climbed in the front. She let her gaze drift over them, heart full once more. "All right, fuckers. Seat belts."

Ian snorted at her. "God, you really are a mom."

"Jokes on you!" Frank's voice could be heard saying as she stepped into the house later that day, shutting the door behind her. "They're not my babies! They're my son Carl's!"

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now