06 | i know i'm amazing

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"DO YOU HEAR ANYTHING?" Amara asked, pressing her ear against the door of Fiona's apartment along with Debbie. The other girl shook her head. "Shit. Fiona?"

"Fiona," Debbie joined in. "Fi, are you in there? Open up! I'll take your door off!"

"Okay," Amara pushed her hand away and bent down to the lock. "Relax. I've got this. I'll just pick it."

"No, hang on," came a muffled response from behind the door. "I'm coming."

They shared a look but stepped back. Amara was horrified to see Fiona's blood stained face as she pulled open the door. "Oh my God. Jesus, what the hell happened?"

Fiona numbly shook her head. "It's fine."

"It's not fine," Amara argued. "Come on. Let us help. Hopefully you won't need stitches."

"I'm fine."

"Fiona," Amara said, a little more pushy than she intended. The older girl giggled as if she were drunk. "Go into the bathroom. I'll patch you up."

"I'm fine, seriously."

"Debs, a little help?"

With a lot of bickering and protesting, Amara finally managed to get Fiona into the bathroom, and sat her town on the toilet seat. She dampened a rag and crouched to gently wipe the dried blood off her face.

"What happened?" Debbie asked from behind.

Fiona sighed. "It's nothing just... a car accident."

"You got into a car accident?! Oh my God, are you okay?"

"Fi..." Amara frowned. "Why didn't you call us?"

"Yeah, we had no idea you were in a car accident. We just thought you stood Ian up because you were pissed."

Fiona's face fell and tears welded up in her eyes. "Oh my God, Ian."

"Fiona, Fi, hey, hey, it's okay," Amara assured, pulling her back up from the slouch she began to descend into. "He's okay. He'll understand, okay? Let's get you fixed up. Stop moving."

"We need to get her to a doctor," Debbie said. "No offense."

"None taken," Amara sighed and scanned Fiona's face. "This is way out of my league anyway. Do you know where your car is now?"

Fiona began to laugh humorously—or at least Amara thought she was laughing, she might have been crying.

Fiona had a broken wrist, but that seemed to be the worst of her injuries. The next thing on their agenda was to figure out what the hell happened to her car—and when they did, it was not good. "Oh my God," she kept repeating.

"This car is totaled," Debbie said in disbelief.

"Okay, captain obvious," Amara shot her a look and turned to Fiona. "Look, I have a couple grand saved up. I was going to use it to get my own apartment but-"

"No, no," Fiona violently shook her head. "I can't ask you to do that. And I won't let you. No."

"Your insurance will cover a hit-and-run," Debbie told her. "Did you call the police? File an accident report? We've gotta find whoever did this, Fiona."

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now