01 | too hot for you

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"I MISS CARL," SILVIA announced from her spot at the table as she lazily ate her cereal, and she dropped the spoon back into the bowl with a clang. Amara barely looked up in response from across the kitchen, stood by the counter next to a plate of unseasoned chicken. "When did Fiona say he was getting released again? Debbie is being such a bitch, she's honestly so rude and the whole pregnancy situation is only making it worse."

"Uh-huh," Amara agreed, brows furrowed as she looked towards the older woman in the room. "Well, we don't know if she really is. Fi is taking her to Planned Parenthood today. Did you say barbecue sauce or tarter sauce?"

Gloria shook her head after a moment and walked over to her. "I think I said neither of those. If you put either thing on this chicken you will definitely never be a successful chef."

"I really appreciate the vote of confidence," Amara replied, scowling as her grandmother shooed her aside and went to do it herself. "And yeah, I think Carl is getting out soon."

Silvia grinned from her chair. "Good. I just want my best friend back. Well I want both of them back, but Debbie seems way too far gone for that."

"That boy might not be the same person he was before he got into that hellhole," Gloria told her, smacking the chicken, and Amara scrunched her nose with a wince.

Silvia tilted her head to the side curiously. "How do you mean?"

"Juvie changes people, Via," Amara said, beckoning her over. "And if you hurry up I'll give you a ride to school."

Silvia stood and dumped her plate into the sink. "Any food in the trunk I can steal?"

"Nah, haven't picked anything up yet. Besides, my next client seems like the type of folk that'd count the exact amount of food they ordered, and how much of it was delivered."

Silvia rolled her eyes and bent down to grab her bag. "I hate people like that. Don't they know that I'm a growing teenage girl thats poor? Have some respect."

Amara snorted and shook her head. "Could you go a little faster? I was going to take you to Dunkin but since you're being such a slowpoke..."

Silvia perked up and darted towards the door. "Nope! I'm ready."

They walked towards the door, and Amara pulled it open, stopping short once she saw a familiar face standing on the opposite side of it, just getting ready to knock. Amara's jaw dropped and she grinned. "Oh my God."

"Way to spoil your own surprise," Payton said, rolling her eyes as Amara leaped forward to wrap her into a tight hug. When they pulls apart, Payton eyed her, and flicked a strand of her recently cut hair, which fell above her shoulders. "I dig this new style."

"Curtesy of her three am breakdown over her ex-boyfriend," Silvia stated, smirking, and holding out her hand as Amara pressed a palm to her eyes.

"You must be Silvia."

"Guilty," came her sister's reply, and Amara smacked the back of her head. She heaved a dramatic sigh. "Fine. I'll be in the car. It was nice meeting you."

"You too," Payton waved her goodbye as Silvia disappeared behind the vehicle's tinted windows. The brunette wasted no time turning back to Amara with that gossip face she knew and loved. "You and Lip broke up?"

"Yeah," Amara nodded, shrugging. "Almost a month ago. Claimed he was too busy and thought it was unfair, load of bullshit if you ask me. Probably did so he could leave just like ..."

"Just like what?"

"Nothing," the lie tasted foul in her mouth but she wasnt ready to say it yet. Just like everyone else. "Just wish he'd tell me what I did wrong."

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now