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"THIS PLACE is nice as hell," Tami commented, and Amara silently agreed. With tall windows that reached the ceiling to the floor, the small island in the center of the kitchen, and the large living room space—it was pretty much perfect. There were enough bedrooms so Liam and Fred wouldn't have to share their own, and the master had its own bathroom off to the left of it.

"I just don't know if Lip will go for it," Amara said, pushing Fred's stroller further down the hall.

"That's because Lip likes making things more difficult for you," Tami pointed at her. "You gonna show it to him in person? Maybe it'll help persuade him."

"Yeah. He should be here at noon. He's caught up working on the house. Been pulling all nighters, pretty much, to finish it. New buyers moved in yesterday, and now we're back at the Gallagher's."

"Did Debbie learn how to use a toilet brush?"

Amara scoffed. "Please. Don't make me laugh. You know, we hadn't even been moved back into that place for an entire day before Lip got into it with Mickey. It's, like, the testosterone twins have to compete to see who's number one. And it's obvious who number one is."



Tami rolled her eyes. "That guys scary. Ian's husband. I would not want to get into it with him."

"Mickey?" Amara sounded surprised. Sure, Mickey's exterior was tough, and he'd definitely shot some people, but being afraid of him seemed kind of silly. "He folds his socks. He's the opposite of scary."

Tami shook her head, and grabbed her purse from the counter. "Anyway, I've got a client. This place is really great, Mara. I say fuck what Lip things and get it no matter what."

"As much as I'd love to do that, unfortunately I care about his opinion too much and don't want him living here completely miserable."

"Huh," Tami mused. "You're better than me. See ya."

"Bye," Amara waved, and moved through the apartment to check out the balcony. It wasn't big, but there was enough room to set out a couple of chairs and a small table. She was just adding up how much all the furniture could potentially cost, when footsteps sounded from behind her.

Surprised, she turned to find Lip, but neither of them made any moves to get closer to one another. It had been almost ... awkward between them since their discussion about marriage.

"Hey," she greeted. "You're early."

"Yeah, I needed a break. Mickey showed up."

"No need to say more," Amara mused, watching his eyes scan across the apartment. He moved down the hall before appearing in front of her again. "What do you think?"

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now