06 | attention whore

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"THAT SOUNDS LIKE ACTUAL hell," Logan stated, sat at the kitchen table with a mug full of coffee while Amara nodded her head in agreement from in front of the stove. "Who would, like, willingly go to that?"

"Willingly go to what?" Tami questioned, coming out from the bathroom. "Oh, by the way, your toilet is disgusting. Was the last time you cleaned it 2010?"

"Probably," Amara answered, watching as the blonde slid into the seat next to her girlfriend. "I don't know. Debbie has bathroom duty, I have trash duty. Take it up with her."

"Would rather take it up the ass," Tami muttered. Amara ducked her head with a snort. "She seems like such a bitch."

"She can be alright," Amara defended with a lame shrug. "I used to love her like my own sister but... I don't know I don't agree with a lot of stuff that she's done."

"We were talking about how Lip wants Mara to go to this, like, Mom version of AA," Logan explained. Tami looked green at the thought.

"Is he trying to make you suicidal?"

"I don't know," Amara sighed, flicking the stove off. "He said he goes there when I'm at work, but when he's at work I can deal with taking care of Freddie perfectly fine on my own. I just think men are incapable at doing anything by themselves. Why do you think he's hanging around and asking a bunch of other women for help?"

"Doesn't that bother you?" Tami pressed on. "A bunch of bitches loitering around your man?"

"I'd take a chainsaw to both of his nuts if he ever tried anything and he knows it so," she shook her head. "No."

"Still haven't said if you're gonna go or not," Logan pointed out, raising a slender brow.

"Fuck no," Amara scoffed and Tami whooped. "You think I'm gonna let a whole group of perfect moms tell me I'm doing my job wrong?"

"Isn't that literally the point?" Logan smirked. "Or do you just not like being told how to improve because it'll damage your ego?"

She hesitated before flipping Logan off. "Shut up. Now let's go scam some old people before lunchtime."

"You think I'm right, don't you?" Amara asked, slouched on the bed as Ian switched out of his uniform. "I mean, Tami is on my side but I've also seen her agree with people who say Bella should've been with Jacob. I don't know if her opinion is valid."

"I don't know," Ian said, back turned towards her. "Girls are definitely petty and they'd probably try to shove it in your face that they know better than you. Especially if Lip is the only guy in the group, they most likely wanna get in his pants."

"You aren't helping."

"But," he gave her a pointed look. "It could also help you for when Freddie can't fall asleep. Or when he's crying for no reason."

"Ugh," she groaned, banging her head against the wall behind her. "No baby is the same. And you can't be taught experience."

"True," he nodded. "I don't know. Do what feels best to you. Oh, how'd the nursing home go today? Get any new onesies for Fred?"

"Nah but I did get-" She was interrupted by a sudden thud that sounded from the side of the house, and both she and Ian jumped. He was on the move to stand in front of her protectively just as none other than Mickey Milkovich climbed through the window.

HARD TIMES ━ lip gallagher²Where stories live. Discover now