Breaking Up

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Edward arrived at Bella's house a few minutes earlier than normal. He stepped out of the Volvo and walked up to her house and knocked as he stood back and waited for Charlie to open the door. Soon he pulled open the door allowing Edward to walk inside the house.

"How is she?" Edward questioned.
"She's still sick." Charlie muttered.

Bella walked down the stairs slowly, her stomach tying into a thousand knots when she saw Edward standing at the bottom of her stairs. She knew today was going to be a difficult day-- She had no clue if he knew about what she was going to do-- Alice might've saw it in a vision possibly, but today she was breaking up with him. She had no other options; Jacob said unless she ended things with Edward today, then he would never have anything else to do with her. She knew her heart belonged to Jacob, her love for Edward had faded over the last few months. Not to mention, she could possibly be pregnant with Jacob's child.

"Ready?" Edward ask.

Bella simply nodded her head and gave Charlie a weak smile as she walked out of the house and climbed inside his shiny Volvo. Jacob was picking her up after school, so there was really no need for her to drive. She and Jacob were going to go to the store and buy a pregnancy test to find out for sure if she was in fact pregnant.

"I think you need to go to the doctor, Bella. You've been sick for over two weeks." Edward stated.
"I'm fine." Bella said looking out the window. Breaking up with Edward was going to be one of the hardest things she'd ever do in her life. She wasn't going to break up with him until the end of the day.

Maddy got out of Claire's car, slamming the door behind her. She hadn't forgot the fact that Claire had left her, and she didn't plan on forgetting about it anytime soon. She planned on asking Hayley for a ride for the remainder of the week. She would rather walk to school than ride with Claire one more day. She would end up going to jail for murder if she had to do that. She walked straight down the hallway and opened up her locker, pulling her books for her second class out, since she wouldn't need any for gym. She closed the locker and looked down the hallway and noticed Edward Cullen coming through the front doors with a plain brunette girl by his side. The girl looked pale, but not a beautiful pale like Edward and the rest of his family, she looked sick.

Maddy noticed the sick pale girl was in her gym class. Mike walked over and ask how she was feeling while Maddy sit on the bleacher's with Jessica as they waited to know what activity they would be playing today. Mike walked with the new girl over. She smiled weakly and introduced herself to Maddy.

"I'm Bella Swan."
"Maddy Jones." Maddy said smiling at her.

Luckily the gym teacher was out sick-- so they got to sit around on the bleachers and talk while an elderly grey haired woman walked around watching them. Maddy noticed Bella didn't talk much, while Jessica never shut up.

"Is your stomach hurting?" Maddy ask Bella, noticing she had been holding her arms around it all day.
"No." Bella said with a small smile.

Gym ended rather quickly. Since Maddy already had her books, so she took right off to her math class. She walked into the room and over to the seat she had sit in yesterday. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously as students started filling the room. The teacher walked in and slammed some books down on his desk, and then turned around and announced to the class that there was going to be a pop quiz.

Maddy struggled with the questions, but she was satisfied with her score. They graded them in class and she had got seven out of ten correct. That was much better than she thought she would have done. The girl named Alice continued to stare at her, much like she did yesterday. Maddy assumed that she was just the type of girl who had a starring problem and looked over her. She was glad her math class ended rather quickly, she was actually looking forward to Art.

She walked into Art and smiled at her teacher and then took her seat. She smiled when Hayley walked into the room and sit behind her. Edward Cullen slowly walked into the room and over to his assigned seat, which was directly behind Maddy. He had the worse luck ever, since her blood was the most tempting he had ever smelled.

"Can you give me a ride to and from school for the rest of the week? I'm going to kill Claire if I have to ride with her one more second." Maddy said to Hayley.
"I don't mind a bit!" Hayley said.

The lesson soon began which cut Maddy and Hayley's conversation short. Edward once again tried to read her mind, but the rumble of whisper's were still there. He couldn't figure out a reason behind it. He licked his lips as he studied the board, trying to listen to the teacher who was discussing one of Da Vinci's famous paintings.

Edward was glad when class finally ended. Once Maddy was out of his way; he breathed easily.

During lunch, Edward knew something was wrong with Bella. She sit quietly at the table.

"Can we talk?" She ask, not able to delay the break up any longer.
"Sure." He murmured.

They raised up from their seats and walked out into the hallway-- He looked over at Maddy as he walked out the doors, wondering if she was starring at him. She wasn't, and he was kind of hurt by that fact. It was amusing to him that she didn't attempt to even get to know him like all the others girl had. She wasn't even interested in him.

"What do you want to talk about love?" Edward ask as they reached her locker.
"Us." She mumbled quietly.
"What about us?" He questioned.
"We're. . . I. . . I can't do it anymore." She whispered. He closed his eyes, and then opened them once again making sure he heard her correctly.
"You can't do what?" Edward ask.
"This." She said moving her hand back and forth between the two of them.

He found himself growing furious. They had been through a lot-- and he had went outside his comfort zone to welcome her into his life and family.

"Are you seriously breaking up with me, Bella?" He questioned angrily.
"Yes-- I'm sorry. I won't tell anyone about you know. . . but I just can't do this anymore Edward, I'm sorry." She said.

Edward walked away from her fuming. He couldn't allow his anger to get the better of him. He didn't know why he wasn't feeling sad about their break up. He was angry because of everything he had went through to be with her; it seemed as if all that work was now worthless now.

He stormed into the cafeteria and over to his siblings table, each of them could tell there was something wrong with him due to his facial expression, but Jasper could feel how angry he is.

"Bella dumped me." He said sitting down at the table.
"You're kidding me." Rosalie stated.
"Why didn't I see it?" Alice ask.
"Maybe because you've been concentrating on Maddy." Jasper said, and she slowly nodded her head. "I'm sorry, Edward. . . I should have been watching." Alice said.
"It isn't your fault. . . I just can't believe she would break up with me."
"Did she say why?" Emmett ask.
"She just said she couldn't do it anymore." Edward said.

He walked into Chemistry and noticed Bella was sitting at an different table than usual. She normally sit beside him. He knew she probably ask Mr. Banks to change her seat. He growled lowly and made his way over to his table.

"Miss Jones. You're permanent seat will be next to Mr. Cullen." Mr Banks said once Maddy entered the room.

She nodded her head. She was sitting either beside, or in front of him in every other class they shared, so she wondered why Chemistry should be any different. She slowly took the seat beside him and watched as he starred out the window. She could tell something was wrong with him. He looked much angrier than he did yesterday. Mr. Banks announced to the class that they was having a class project.

"Great." Edward mumbled, knowing Maddy was his partner.
"Sorry. Looks like you're stuck with me." She said bitterly-- if he was going to be an asshole, then she had no problem being a bitch.
"I'm sorry for the rudeness; I've just had a bad couple of days." He said.
"So, you decide to take it out on the new girl?" She questioned.
"I apologized."
"Sometimes an apology isn't enough." Maddy said looking away from him.

He had managed to lose Bella, and piss off Maddy all in one day. He rolled his eyes. What else could possibly go wrong for him today?

Maddy walked out of the class and over to Hayley's car, which so happen to be parked next to Claire's. She rolled her eyes seeing Claire, and one of her blond friends.

"Did you find a ride skank?" Claire ask.
"I did, bitch. Thanks for asking." Maddy spat, hatefully.

Claire rolled her eyes and got inside her car with her friend. Maddy noticed the two of them turned the opposite direction of the house. Hayley drove her home, and she said her goodbyes to her friend. She walked up the stairs and replied to emails from her father and boyfriend.

"OH MY GOD! I couldn't believe she was buying a pregnancy test!" Claire's voice squealed out in the hallway.
"I KNOW! I bet her dad will fucking kill Edward." The blond friend said.
"I can't fucking believe it! It's fucking crazy!" Claire said.

Maddy wasn't stupid. She caught on to conversation very easily, and figured out what they were talking about. Bella Swan-- who was dating Edward, needed a pregnancy test. Which could only mean one thing, there was a possibility she was pregnant. She laughed, no wonder Edward was in a bad mood. He was about to be a father at seventeen! Or, so Maddy thought. . . She had no clue about Bella and Edward breaking up, nor did she had any idea who Jacob Black was.


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