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The rest of the week passed by very quickly. Edward's attitude towards Maddy had remained the same as it was during their car ride together. He had actually attempted to hold down conversations with her in Chemistry. Maddy woke up really early on Saturday morning so she could go with Mike to find herself a car. He was allowing her to pick any car she wanted off his car dealership in Port Angeles. Once she was dressed for the day, she walked down the stairs and saw Mike standing there in his business suit, sipping on a cup of coffee, ready for the day.

"Are you ready?" He ask Maddy with a smile.
"Yeah." She said.

She decided to cut the bitch act today. Since Mike was giving her a car, the least she could do was give him twenty four hours without an attitude problem. She walked out to his Mercedes and climbed inside the passenger side, while he walked and got inside the drivers side. It was almost an hour drive to his car dealership, and she had no intentions on holding down a conversation with her new step father. She placed her headphones in her ears and turned up her iPod.

Mike didn't want to push conversation between himself and Maddy. He wanted her to come to him-- he knew pushing her would only make her hate him more than she already did. The only thing he wanted was to be her friend, but she seemed to hold a grudge against him.

An hour or so later, Mike pulled into a car dealership. Maddy smiled when she saw all the cars to choose from. He had said she could have anything, she wondered if he would hold up to his end of the bargain.

"Okay. Go pick out whatever you want."
"Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want." He said smiling.

Maddy smiled, and then took off walking. Admiring each car, and debating on what she wanted. Most of the cars were used, but still in good condition. Everything was an 06' model or better, so nothing was extremely old. She debated on if she wanted a small car, or a large jeep. She gasped when she saw the perfect car for her. She walked up to it and examined it from all angles. It was an 06' Mitsubishi Eclipse. Everything about it was perfect, including the color.

She walked over to where Mike was standing talking to some of his employees and she pointed to the car. A smile curved into his lips as he looked towards one of the guys and nodded his head.

"He'll be right back with the key." Mike said.
"So, it's really mine? Just like that?" Maddy ask.
"It's yours. Just like that. But promise to wear your seat belt!" Mike said.
"I promise!" Maddy squealed out.

A small man brought back out a set of keys and handed them to Maddy. She quickly rushed over and opened the door and started the car up. It was just as perfect on the inside as it was on the outside. Mike walked over and leaned against the open door.

"You like it, huh." He said.
"I love it. Thanks so much, Mike."
"No problem. I'm glad to give it to you."

She smiled and looked up at him. By this time it was only twelve in the day, which meant she had plenty of time to kill before she met up with Hayley at the fair.

"Are there any places around here to buy some CD's and stuff? I'm meeting Hayley later tonight at the fair-- and I really don't feel like driving back home." She said.
"The mall is right down the street. Why don't you go buy some things and then head to the fair later."

Mike reached down in his pockets, and then pulled out a wad of hundred dollar bills. He handed them to Maddy.

"Oh no. . . I have money." Maddy said.
"I want you to have this. I spoil Claire, and I buy for Ava. . .So please, it'll make me sleep better at night if you take it."

She gave him a weak smile and then hugged him. Mike wasn't such a bad guy after all, she thought as she shut the door. She decided to go to the mall and spend some of the money he gave her. She didn't even know how much it was until she pulled into a parking spot in the mall and began counting it.

Eight hundred dollars.

She couldn't believe he had handed her eight hundred dollars. She straightened the money out and then placed it in her wallet. She then got out of her car, locked it up, and started walking towards the large mall. Her first stop was going to be food, and then she wanted to check out a music store so she could get some CD's for her car.

Once she finished her Subway sandwich, she walked down to the music store. She smiled at the cashier and then walked over to the rock section. She picked up the new cKy album, and then picked up two HIM albums for her car. Once she found the CD's she wanted, she placed them up on the counter and payed for them. She then walked down to a few stores.

Edward walked into the mall and looked around. Alice had actually had a clear vision of Maddy this morning. She had saw her shopping at the mall for a good portion of the day. Edward figured he could casually 'bump' into Maddy and hang out. He was drawn to the girl. He didn't know why he couldn't stay away. It wasn't her blood, it was her. She was so attractive, and fun to be around. Since they had decided to be 'friends', he hasn't been able to take his mind off of her. He grinned when he saw her walk out of hot topic.

Maddy was digging through her purse, not looking where she was going when she bumped into someone, causing her to drop her hot topic bag which held two band shirts. She cursed lightly and then apologized to whoever she bumped into. Once she collected her bags from the floor she looked up and saw Edward standing there with a crooked smile playing across his lips.

"Edward, what are you doing here?" She questioned.
"Shopping, like most of the people around. What are you doing here?" He questioned with a smile.
"Killing time-- I'm meeting Hayley at seven." She said.
"Oh. . . The fair?" He questioned, he had read Hayley's mind all week, and knew they had plans of going together.
"Yeah." Maddy said.

He nodded his head.

"Mind if I join you here then? I've seemed to lost my brothers somewhere in the mall." He said.
"I don't mind." Maddy said.

Truth was, Emmett nor Jasper even came with Edward. No one knew he came to hang out with Maddy besides Alice, and she promised to keep her lips sealed. Edward knew Rosalie would have a fit if she found out he was interested in another human. He had tried to fight the feelings off, but it was harder than he ever thought. Staying away from her was the most difficult thing he had ever tried to do; he gave up. There was still so many things he didn't know about her.

"So, do you miss home?" He questioned.
"Yeah, a lot. I miss my friends, my dad, my boyfriend." She said.

Edward's dead heart dropped to the pits of his stomach. She had a boyfriend?

"You have a boyfriend?" Edward questioned.
"Yeah, Aaron." She said.
"You never mentioned a boyfriend before." He said.
"You never ask." She said looking at him.

Edward swallowed hard, not knowing how to deal with this detail.

"Why didn't you ever mention him before?" Edward questioned.
"I didn't see a need to."
"How long have you two been together?" He questioned yet again.
"Whoa, what's with the questions?" She said laughing. "and a bit over two years." She said.

Two years? He knew there was no chance he could steal her away from a guy she was dating for two years. She probably loved the guy more than anything, especially if she was keeping a relationship with him while she moved across country. He realized this was a good thing-- her having a boyfriend meant she was off the market. He couldn't get too friendly with her-- meaning he couldn't hurt her.

"So, are you going to the fair?" Maddy questioned.
"I'm not sure. . . I might stick around for a bit." He said.

Edward felt very protective of Maddy; he didn't want anyone to hurt her. He knew the fair was suppose to be a fun event, but he also knew what kind of men lived around Port Angeles. He remembered back to last year when he had saved Bella from the group of strangers. He wouldn't allow them to have those thoughts about Maddy.

Maddy's cell phone started ringing from inside her pocket. She pulled it out and glanced down at the number and realized it was Hayley. She smiled, figuring she might have decided to come to Port Angeles sooner.

"Hey Maddy." She said sounding sort of sad.
"Hey Hay, you alright?" Maddy ask
"No. . . I can't come to the fair-- I'm grounded this weekend. I'm sneaking and calling you right now. I just didn't want you to think I abandoned you tonight. I gotta go-- I'll talk to you Monday. Sorry." Hayley said.

Maddy hung up the phone and groaned.

"What is it?" Edward ask.
"Hayley's grounded and can't come to the fair." She said.
"Is that a problem?" He questioned.
"No it just means, I might as well go home since she isn't coming. I'm not going to walk around by myself." She said. She was actually looking forward to the fair.
"Why don't I go with you? We could have fun. . ." Edward offered.

Maddy bit down on her bottom lip. Was hanging out with Edward alone outside school considered a date? Was she betraying Aaron by doing this? Was she betraying Aaron by walking around a mall with another guy? She sighed.

"Sure. . . it could be fun." Maddy said.

As long as she just considered Edward a friend, then it wasn't anything wrong with it. Or at least, that's the way she was looking at it. She could care less what everyone else thought. At least she would get to have fun at the fair.


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