Breaking The News

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Maddy looked down at the ring on her finger and smiled. Edward had told her that she didn't have to wear it now if she didn't want to. But she wanted to. She didn't care about anyone's opinions about it. She was going to be eighteen in just a matter of a few short weeks, so she would be a legal adult, and could do anything she wanted.

"What an amazing birthday present." She said.

He chuckled, "That's not your birthday present."
"It's all I want though."
"You'll be getting a lot more."
"I don't want anything else."
"No Buts." She said.

He chuckled, as they pulled in front of her house.

"You're coming in with me right?"
"Of course-- I won't let you face them alone."
"I don't care what they say."
"I don't want them to dislike me though."
"They wont!" She assured him.

They was going to tell Maddy's mom about the engagement. Edward had phoned her father this morning and told him about it. Chris actually seemed thrilled by the idea of them getting married. Edward followed slowly in behind Maddy. Her mother and Mike was sitting on the couch waiting for their arrival.

"Hey sweetie!" Susan said, when Maddy walked in.
"Hi mom." She said.

Maddy and Edward took a seat on the couch. She hoped her mother didn't notice the ring. After talking for around twenty minutes or so, Maddy breathed in, and knew it was now or never. Edward swallowed hard, knowing it was time as well.

"Mom-- I need to tell you something."
"What? Is there something wrong?" Her mom ask.
"No. . . It's just that Edward and I. . well."
"You're not pregnant, are you?" Her mom ask quickly.
"No! Mom-- Well, we're sort of. . ."
"Maddy and I are engaged." Edward said quickly.

Susan's mouth dropped open in shock. "You can't be seriously. You're only seventeen."
"I'll be eighteen in two weeks."
"But still! You're too young to get married. You haven't even started your senior year yet."
"It's a week away!"
"It doesn't matter-- Give the ring back, until you two get older." Susan said.
"I'm not giving the ring back, it symbolizes my answer, and that was yes. I'm engaged, mom. You're just going to have to deal with it."
"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS, MADISON!" Susan screamed.

Maddy sucked in a deep breath. "I think it'd be best if you just leave, Edward."

Edward nodded his head, as he bent down and kissed Maddy's forehead.

"No! Don't leave."
"It'll be okay." He reassured her, and walked towards the door.

She shot her mother a death glare, "Why can't you just be happy for me?"
"You're a teenager!" Susan said.
"I'm old enough to know what love is. I'm never going to love anyone else but Edward!"
"You don't know that. . . You're still young."
"I do know! I love him!"
"You're only seventeen."
"That's all you can say! My age doesn't matter! I'm old enough to know what I want." Maddy said, storming up the stairs.

She slammed her bedroom door, and locked it, as she made her way over to the bed and collapsed down on it. She couldn't believe her mother reacted this way. She had got married when she was eighteen. So what was the difference? She sniffled, and sobbed, not even noticing when her window opened up. Edward walked over to her, and pulled him into her arms.

"Are you alright?" He ask.
"I'm fine." She sobbed.
"I love you."

She looked up into his eyes and smiled, "I know-- and I love you too."
"Maybe your mother is right-- maybe it was wrong of me to ask you." He said.
"No! She isn't right. You're right. I want to marry you. I want it now. I want this to be official. I want you forever." She said.

He smiled, "As soon as you finish school, we will get married, and I will change you. I promise." He said.
"Do I have to wait that long?" She ask.
"I'd like it if you did." He said.
"But, I'm eighteen in two weeks. Can't I just leave then-- and then we'll do it."

He chuckled, "What do you have against finishing up school?" He ask.
"I just. . . I honestly just wanna be able to be with you night and day, and see dad again."
"You'll see him soon enough, and we'll have all eternity of night and days." He said.

She sighed, "It can't get here soon enough though."
"Just enjoy being human." He said.

She rolled her eyes, "Wish there was something to speed the process up."

He laughed, "Looks like you're stuck human unless you can find a loop hole around it." He joked.


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