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Maddy woke up with intentions for Sunday. She wanted to find out exactly what Edward Cullen was. She knew it probably sounded stupid, and childish to some, but she knew there was something different about him. Something inhuman. She locked herself in her bedroom and booted up her computer. She hoped that her investigation on the internet gave her hope of what he was hiding. She knew she was probably just getting ahead of herself, but she couldn't help it.

Once her computer was booted up. She went straight to Google and started typing in random words and phases that reminded her of Edward. After nearly an hour of searching, nothing had gave her any insight on Edward Cullen. She sighed, and then opened the notepad and figured she could jolt down more descriptive facts about him.

Cold Skinned
Extremely pale skinned
Talks like he's from another time period
Predicts what people are thinking.

She began to type in "Cold and Pale skinned" and it brought up a link titled "The Cold Ones". She was surprised to find it was a legend that had originated around Washington, La Push to be exact. It dealt with the Indian reservation legends.She read the Egyptian page, and then moved on to the others. Writing down several key words she picked out while reading over the information. After exploring the entire page, she had a list of words wrote down on a note pad. She read them out loud to herself

"Speed, Strength, Drank Blood, Cold Skinned, Immortal"

She then thought about what she had just said to herself, and then opened her mouth wide when one word came to mind. Vampire. It all made sense though if she really thought about it.

The Cullen's never ate.
Edward's touch was colder than ice.
They all had extremely pale skin, and perfect features.
They talked as if they were from another time.
Edward seemed to know what everyone was thinking.

She couldn't believe her theory. Vampire's didn't exist! She couldn't believe her assumptions. She felt embarrassed to even tell anyone what she thought. Everyone would laugh in her face if she told them she believed Edward Cullen-- and his family were vampires.

She closed her laptop and then went over and laid down on her bed. She starred up at her ceiling and couldn't help but laugh. Thinking Edward Cullen was a vampire was probably one of the craziest ideas she ever had. The phone started ringing, she reached over and picked it up, smiling wide when she saw Aaron's Pennsylvania number on the caller I.D. He was only allowed to phone on weekends due to how expensive it was to call across country.

"Maddy! I missed you so much." He said.
"I missed you too. How are you?"
"I'm good. . . I just really miss you babe." He said.

Maddy smiled-- Aaron was sweet. They spent hours talking about everything that had happened to them lately. Something didn't feel the same though. She was starting to feel distant from Aaron.

"I love you." he said into the phone.
"I love you too." She said with little passion.

She no longer felt her heart flutter when he spoke those words. Her stomach no longer tied into knots. She frowned when he continued talking. What was wrong with her? Was she falling out of love with him? She and Aaron had been together for two amazing years. . . was she really going to do this? Was she just going to fall out of love with him just like that?

"I gotta go though. Band practice. I love you, and I'll phone you soon. Okay? Email me later." He said.

Maddy agreed and then hung up her phone. She bit down on her bottom lip as she laid down on her bed. What was she suppose to do? She had thought Aaron was her soul mate, her only one. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she'd fall out of love with him.

Maybe it's just distance, she reminded herself.

"Maddy! Maddy!" She heard Ava screaming from the hall way.

She got up out of the bed and walked over to her door and pulled it open. Ava was standing there in a summer dress with a wide grin on her face. Maddy scrunched her face up in confusion, wondering why her little sister was smiling so bright.

"We're going out to dinner! All of us!" Ava squealed.

Maddy smiled for Ava, and then turned around and rolled her eyes. Dinner with her family sounded fun, as long as Claire wasn't there. She sighed, and shut her door so she could change into something more suitable for wherever they were going. She decided on a pair of jeans, and her solid black sweater. She pulled her dark hair back in a white clip and then walked down the stairs. Claire was sitting on the couch with Chase, sucking on his neck. Maddy rolled her eyes, knowing not only was she going to have to endure Claire during dinner, but Chase also.

"Everyone ready?" Mike ask.
"We're ready, Dad." Claire said with a smile, as she and Chase stood up.

They had decided to take Mike's large SUV. Ava and Maddy were in the back seat, while Chase and Claire were in front of them, Mike and Susan were in the main front. Maddy starred out the window as they drove by the town of Forks. They pulled up to a rather fancy restaurant.

"Wow." Maddy said stepping out.
"Yeah. . . You're probably not used to the finer things in life, white trash." Claire said low enough so her dad or Susan couldn't hear her.

Maddy clenched her teeth together and walked towards the restaurant behind her family. She decided to just get revenge on Claire instead of simply shit talking her. She thought of all the crazy things she could do to her. She smiled when she decided on the perfect way to get Claire back for everything she had ever said or done to her.

The food was great, the conversation was dull. Maddy listened as her mom and Claire talked about a new shopping center that was opening up in Port Angeles. Maddy rolled her eyes and ate at her noodles. She looked over at Chase, who was sitting directly in front of her. He kept rubbing his foot against her leg, and winking at her.

"I'll be right back." Claire said excusing herself from the table.

Susan and Mike starting talking to another couple who were sitting beside their table, and Ava was too distracted with her dessert, which meant Maddy and Chase could actually say something to one another without distractions.

"You know. . . You're kinda hot--"
"If you touch my leg one more time, I'm going to shove your balls down your throat!" Maddy snapped.

Chase's eyes widened and then he sit back in his seat and waited for Claire to come back.

They arrived back home a bit after eight at night. Everyone stayed down stairs besides Maddy-- who wanted to put her revenge in place. She walked into her room and dug through her dresser drawers. She pulled out her old Red 'Manic Panic' hair color, which was vibrant colors that were temporary. She smiled as she peeked out of her room and down the hallway. She could hear Claire's squeaky voice talking downstairs. She walked into Claire's own person bathroom and reached for her expensive shampoo bottle. She poured some of the temporary color into the bottle and then shook it up and placed it back on the stand. She smiled as she walked back into her room and got rid of the evidence.

Tomorrow morning when Claire washed her hair, the red color would take to her blond hair before she even knew what hit her. Maddy smiled, as she decided to get some sleep for tomorrow morning. There was no way she planned on missing Claire's freak out.


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