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Maddy sit down at her computer desk and opened up her email account. She was looking forward to hearing from her dad. Sadly, below an email from her father was one from Aaron. She rolled her eyes as she clicked on it first-- may as well get the bad one out of the way first. She braced herself for whatever he was about to read.


I'm sorry for over reacting. I've thought about what you said, and you're completely right. I'm a jerk for listening to Claire, I trust you, and if you say this Edward guy means nothing, then I believe you. I guess-- it's just this distance that got me. You're such an amazing girl, I'm just so scared of losing you. Please, can we put this behind us and be together again? I love you more than anything.

Write back soon,
I miss you, and love you.

Maddy rolled her eyes. She was now placed in a situation where she didn't know what to do. Yes, she had said she didn't love Aaron, but had she said it out of anger? Was she ready to give him up? Give up two years? She bit down on her bottom lip as she thought about the different options. She could write back and get back together with him, or she could write back and end it forever. She swallowed hard as she began to type back to him.


Thanks for believing me, but I think it's too late. I don't want to get back together, I think we'll be better apart. You should have known not to believe her-- you should have trusted me in the beginning. I'm sorry that it's come down to this-- but I guess that's how it was meant to be.



Once she wrote him back, she read and replied to her father's email and then closed her laptop. She wondered if she had done the right thing. Just a month ago, she had thought Aaron was her forever; and now she was unsure if she even had a forever. She sighed, and walked down to the living room. The only thing that was going to help her right now was a bowl of chocolate chip ice cream.

Inside the kitchen was Claire and Chase. Maddy rolled her eyes, and tried to ignore them as she got herself a bowl of ice cream. It was hard to ignore the sucking noises coming from the two of them. Claire had no respect for anyone. Once Maddy got her bowl, she then walked back up the stairs. Ava was in the hallway with a crayon in her hand.

"What are you doing?"
"Expressing myself." Ava said as she closed her bedroom door and attacked it with her red crayon.
"Knock yourself out, kid." Maddy said shaking her head.

Maddy walked into her room and took a seat on her bed, she folded her legs and began eating her ice cream as she surfed through the channels on the television. She stopped it on Sci-Fi and watched as Underworld came on. She studied the screen, and ate her ice cream. She wondered if creatures other than vampires existed. Did werewolves? Fairies? Witches? Warlocks? She laughed at how silly she was being and then turned the television off.

Maddy pushed all those thoughts of of her mind and set her empty bowl on the night stand. She pushed down the covers and then pulled them up over her. She didn't know why she was turning in so early, but she really didn't have anything else to do.

Maddy rolled over around midnight after hearing a sound. It sounded like her window was shutting. She turned on her lamp, and then got out of bed and inspected the window. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She shook her head, figuring she was just imaging things and returned back to bed. She turned off her light and then closed her eyes once again. She knew it was going to be difficult to fall back asleep. She had went to bed so early-- and now she was wide awake. She laid there with her eyes closed for what seems like forever, and then she heard the sound again. She kept her eyes close, figuring she had once again imagined it. She then heard a soft squishing sound. Almost like someone was tip toeing over her carpet-- it was so quiet that she wouldn't have heard it unless she was listening for it. She quickly opened her eyes, and gasped when she saw Edward standing there.

Edward backed up-- and had a look of shock in his eyes. He had thought she was asleep. She was laying so peacefully, and nearly an hour had passed since she had last woke up. He knew he couldn't make an escape for it, and hope she just imagined he was here-- he was caught red handed, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Maddy shook her head in disbelief and then turned on her light.

"Edward?" She whispered.
"Hi." He said slowly.
"What are you doing here?" She ask, still softly, hoping no one woke up.
"I. . . uh, just wanted to watch you sleep." He confessed, scared of her reaction.

She giggled, and shook her head.

"You could have ask-- you scared me to death." She said.
"You don't mind if I stay?" He ask, kind of shocked.
"Whatever tickles your fancy-- just a warning though; I might snore." She said with a smile.

Maddy figured Edward got lonely at night, so she wasn't going to hound him on the reasons for sneaking into her bedroom to watch her sleep. The two of them were becoming close, and besides Bella she was the only one who know of his secret.

"You can lay down too if you want." She said scooting over.
"I. . uhm." Edward didn't know what to say.

He would love to lay next to her-- but could he handle that temptation? Not only did her blood sing to him, but her body sung to him as well. She was a fatal attraction, and he wasn't sure if he could handle being that close to her. He allowed his eyes to linger over the small tank top that covered her bare chest. It was obvious she wasn't wearing a bar. He swallowed hard, and closed his eyes as he tried to gain composure.

"Sure." He managed to spit out.

Slowly Edward made his way over to her bed. He was glad she had a queen sized bed. She lay on one side and he lay on the other-- as far away from her as he could get.

"Night, Edward."
"Night." He mumbled.

He watched as she closed her eyes and attempted to fall asleep. It took her twenty four minutes before her breathing became steady. He couldn't believe he was laying so close to her-- he looked over at her neck, and felt his mouth watering with venom as he thought about sinking his fangs into it. Her blood would satisfy him for a life time-- just one taste of her would hold him over for the rest of his existence. But-- he could never live with that guilt. He would destroy himself before he would ever injury her.

He allowed his eyes to roam down her body. She had managed to push the covers completely off her body while she slept. She was wearing a small white tank top, that didn't even cover her entire stomach. Her toned stomach was peeking through, and then covering her bottom was a pair of the shortest sleeping shorts he had ever saw in his life. They nearly left nothing to the imagination. Her legs were lean, and long, and he could picture them wrapping around his waist.

'NO!' He mentally shouted at himself.

Thinking about her in a physical way was taking the thoughts of her blood from him-- but event thinking about her physically was dangerous. One wrong move with her could end her life. Bella had always understood this, and didn't try to push him too far on his boundaries, but he could see Maddy trying to break him-- and it wouldn't take much for him to give in.

At about four in the morning, Edward decided to take off. He couldn't handle the temptation of her body any longer. He ran home, hoping she wouldn't question why he ran off in the middle of the night. He flung the doors open and saw Emmett sitting on the couch watching ESPN.

"How'd your little midnight date go?"
"Awful! I can't be around her-- I think I should just leave for awhile." Edward said.
"I thought you could control your thirst around her."
"I can control my thirst, Emmett! I'm not talking about her blood-- I just laid in a bed with her, and the temptation almost took me over-- I just, I can't do this!" Edward said.

He walked up the stairs and packed a small bag of clothing, he needed some time to think about things. He had to get out of Forks-- he had to get away from her. He needed to clear his mind.

"Where are you going?" Alice ask, coming into the room.
"Alaska." Edward said, turning around with his bag.
"Why?" Alice ask
"Because! I can't take it, okay? I can't." Edward said, moving down the stairs and out the front door.

Alice looked over at Emmett and frowned.

"I thought he could control his thirst." She said.
"He can't handle the temptation!" Emmett said, nearly rolling over with laughter.
"What are you talking about?" Alice spat.
"Edward-- the guy who said he would never do anything until he was married. She's driving him crazy with temptation." Emmett said, laughing.

Alice smiled. This was actually a good thing to them-- this was good news. That meant that Edward was still strong and in control of his thirst. Carlisle walked out of his office and questioned what all the ruckus was about.

"Edward went to Alaska for a few days." Alice said, "I'm sure he'll be back soon though."
"Why did he go to Alaska?" Carlisle questioned.
"Because Maddy brings out the man in him." Emmett said, choking back laughter.
"He won't stay gone long; he can't bare to be away from her." Alice pointed out.


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