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Edward watched as Maddy's body seem to slow the twitches down. He knew it was only a matter of time. . . minutes, before she would wake up. He couldn't wait for her to open up her eyes. He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms, and tell her how much he loved her. But-- he knew it may be awhile for that. If she didn't do as well as her father as a new born, it may take years for her to control her thirst. He frowned, when he thought about her going through the craze like most newborns do.

"It won't be much longer now. . . Her heart beat is fading." Carlisle stated
"I can't wait." Edward whispered, "Rosalie has Mason. . . right?"
"Yes, she and Esme are downstairs playing with him as we speak. Rosalie promised to keep him away until. . . we know if she's stable."

Edward sighed, as he looked down at his beautiful fiance. The ring on her finger glowed, against her now bright skin. Alice had changed her into a beautiful black dress.

Maddy's pain was slowly fading. She was beginning to hear voices. Many of them. She heard Carlisle speak, and then heard. . . what she assumed to be his thoughts.

'I really hope she's going to be okay, I can't wait to hold her.' She heard Edward think, and smiled.

Slowly, all of the pain emptied from her body, and all she could feel was the burning her in throat. She pushed it to the side though, and blinked her eyes open. Edward was hovering over her with a smile on his face.

"Hi." He said with a grin.

She blinked, and then looked around. Her vision had become so much more clearer. She could see every single crack in the walls. Edward was even more gorgeous.

"Hi." She said, surprised by her own voice. It was still her-- but it sounded more smooth, and angelic than before.
"You okay?" He murmured, leaning down and kissing her cheek.

She smiled, "It burns. . . but I'm fine." She whispered, leaning up.
"Mason!" She said quickly, "Where is he?"

Edward smiled, "He's fine, and downstairs playing with Rosalie. . . He's beautiful."
"I want to see him."
"We should wait." Edward said.
'I'm fine, Edward.' She thought.

Edward jumped back quickly. "I can read your mind now." He whispered,
"and I can read yours. I can't wait for you to hold me either." She smiled.

He chuckled, "Alice warned me about this-- but I. . . I just couldn't even begin to think about how it would feel to finally be able to hear your thoughts."
"Bet you didn't think I'd be hearing yours in return either." She winked.

He chuckled, "Let's take you hunting. I'm sure the burning is aching. . ."
"But I want to see our son."
"They'll be plenty of time for that." Edward said.
"Edward! I want to meet our son-- I want to see him."
"Please hunt first." He said, "It's a precaution."

She groaned, "Fine."

Edward smiled, "I'll get your dad-- he wants to come along as well."

Quickly, Edward ran down the stairs, and came back up them with her father. Chris walked into the room and his eyes went wide when he saw his daughter sitting there with bright crimson eyes that matched his own. She looked the same as she always did-- just a bit paler, and her features were more enhanced. She was a knock out though-- and always had been.

"Hi daddy." She said.
"Hi baby girl." He said, coming over and hugging her.

The three of them went out a window. She landed gracefully on the ground. She held hands with Edward as he and her father walked her through the woods by the Cullen home. They didn't want to travel too far out. Edward still didn't know what the scent was that Jacob's pack had found. The werewolves was still looking for it.

"Deer isn't very good. I really liked Lion." Chris said.
"No lions around here." Edward laughed.

Maddy watched as her father pounced on a deer. He fed off from it, and then made his way off the animal.

"Your turn."
"I don't think I can do this." She whispered.
"It just comes natural."

She nodded her head, and slowly walked forward. She turned her head towards a certain scent, and grinned. She ran towards the scent, and slowed down when she came upon three deers standing. She ran towards the biggest one, and leaped on it with grace. Sinking her fangs into it's throat.

Once she got her full, she allowed Edward to feed.

"The burning doesn't fade." She said to no one.
"You'll get used to it though." Her dad said, "Just gotta think about it like you're saving human lives."

She smiled at her father, and then Edward came walking towards her.

"I want to see Mason now."

He sighed, "Let's go see him then." He said.


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