Bird And Bees

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Jacob Black ran through the forest quickly. He had just got the news that Maddy had left Forks. He didn't believe it though-- not for one minute. The scent of the Cullen's was still fresh, probably left over from a recent hunting trip. He knew it was breaking the treaty by going on their land, but he couldn't help it. He needed to know what was going on with her.

He saw the blond leaned up against the railing on the porch with the bigger one. He snarled, and then shifted back to his human form, slipping his shorts up over him. He walked out of the forest, and watched as they both pounced down to defensive positions.

"Where is she?" Jacob snarled.
"What do you want, Mutt?" Rosalie hissed.
"Where is Maddy?" He ask.
"She's gone!" Rosalie spat.
"I don't believe you for one second, Blondie."

Emmett leaped off the porch, ready to protect Rosalie, and keep the secret safe.

"I'm not here for a fight, leech. I just want to know where she is and if she's safe."
"She's fine. Now go." Emmett spat.

Jacob was getting angry. That wasn't the answer he was looking for.

"He's fine, Emmett." Edward said from the porch, "He honestly means no harm."
"Where is she?" Jacob hollered to him.
"She's inside, and fine." Edward said.
"I want to see her." Jacob demanded.
"No way! You won't come near her." Rosalie hissed from the porch.
"It's alright, Rose. He won't hurt her." Edward said.

He had searched Jacob's mind over for any sign that he would hurt Maddy. He wanted nothing more than to protect her. Edward was still worried about the vampires from Pennsylvania, especially Aaron, so he decided that putting his differences with Jacob to the side would probably be best right now. He welcomed him into their home, much to Rosalie and Emmett's disapproval.

Maddy looked up when she saw Jacob walk in. She rolled her eyes.

"You are alive. . ." He said walking around to face her, and then his eyes nearly popped out of his head, "and. . . pregnant?" He ask.

Edward could hear him doing the math in his head.

"How long have. . . are you?" Jacob ask.
"Uhm. . . Three weeks?" She said unsure.

Everyone in the room could hear Jacob swallow hard. "Three weeks?" He ask shocked.
"She's pregnant with my baby." Edward said.
"I assumed that!" Jacob yelled, "But how can she be THAT pregnant in just three weeks?"
"It's not been exactly three weeks. Two weeks and five days would be exact." Edward said.
"How. . did it happen?" Jacob ask.

Emmett laughed, "No one had the bird and bees talk with you, dog?"
"I know that. . ." Jacob snarled, "I mean how did YOU get her pregnant." He said pointing to Edward.
"We didn't know I could-- It'd never been heard of."
"So, you have no clue if it's safe or not?" Jacob ask.
"Don't you start about safety!" Maddy said, "I just got Edward calmed down. So help me if you get him worked up, I'll rip your head off myself." She said.

Jacob looked at her with shock. Was she really willing to give her life for this monster growing inside of her?

"Can I speak to you." He said to Edward, "In private." He then followed.

Maddy slowly pushed herself up off the couch, and wobbled towards Jacob. She looked about five months pregnant, but she held herself with confidence. She placed one finger in his face, for warning.

"I meant what I said earlier-- if you say one thing to him out of the way, I will rip it off by myself. This is my choice, not his. He tried to talk me out of it. He tried to make me get rid of him."
"HIM?" Jacob ask.
"Yes, Him. OUR son." She said pointing to Edward and herself, "So, before you even think about trying to talk him into something, remember that this is MY choice. MY life, and MY FUTURE." She said.

Jacob nodded his head slowly, and he and Edward then walked outside. Emmett helped Maddy back over to the couch, while Rosalie went off to find her something to snack on. Emmett laughed when she finally got comfortable.

"What's so funny?"
"You defiantly put that mutt in his place." Emmett said.

She smiled, "That's what I'm here for." She said, causing him to grin.

Meanwhile, Edward and Jacob walked outside the house to talk. Edward could tell that Jacob was confused by what was going on.

"So. . ." Jacob said, "She's going to die right?"
"We don't know."
"But it's not very likely that she'll live."
"Who knows-- like I said. . . We've never seen this before."
"How could you even put her in danger like that! I thought you loved her!" Jacob yelled.

Edward closed his eyes, "I do love her." He said, reopening his eyes and looking at Jacob. "If I would have known the outcome, then I wouldn't have acted so irresponsibly. But now it's done, and she won't let me get rid of it. . . him. So, I'm just dealing with the cards right now."
"And if it kills her?"
"I've got a back up plan." Edward said.
"Which goes against the treaty." Jacob said.
"So. . . you'd rather her die, than to become like me?" Edward ask.
"Either way, her heart stops beating." Jacob spat.
"So, you're telling me to just let her die? Don't save her? Don't do anything?" Edward ask.

Jacob pulled at his hair. What was he suppose to say? Maddy meant a lot to him, he loved her like a sister. She was his imprint, and he wanted what was best for her.

"What does she want?" Jacob ask.
"You know what she wants." Edward said.
"You promise to save her?"
"If I don't-- you can take me out yourself. I won't live in a world where she doesn't exist." Edward said.
"I'm holding you to that." Jacob said.

He sighed, running his dark hands through his hair. "So, when does the little rascal get here?"
"Two weeks." Edward said.

Edward and Jacob talked a bit more. Jacob agreed that he could change Maddy and it wouldn't go against the treaty. What else could he do? He wanted her to be happy, and if that meant being a blood sucking leech, then so be it. As long as she lived her life the way she wanted, and he knew she was happy-- then he would be able to live his.


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