Port Angeles

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Edward held tightly on to Maddy's hand under the table of their last class. He knew she would be leaving after school to go shopping with a group of girls. He didn't mind her going-- he just wanted her to be safe. He looked out the window and sighed. The rain had been pouring all day. He knew the roads would be covered, but Jessica had promised that she would be extra careful behind the wheel of her dad's SUV. Edward was convinced that she would pay attention to the roads; it was a new vehicle, and if she ruined it, her father wouldn't be happy.

"So, what color are you leaning towards?" Edward questioned.
"I'm not sure. I guess I'll look at some of both." Maddy answered.
"I'm picturing you in both right now-- you'll look radiant in either."

Maddy smiled, and rubbed her hand against his even more. She was deeply in love with Edward. She didn't even know a love as strong as this existed. She frowned when the bell rang. It meant hours without Edward. She stood up and he sighed. She giggled, and leaned up, pressing her lips softly against his.

"Don't forget me tonight." She whispered.
"I could never forget you."
"Have fun-- hit a home run for me." She said.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Hayley was waiting on her by the door. Maddy waved goodbye to Edward and then walked to her locker with Hayley, who was smiling widely about the shopping trip. Maddy chuckled, and then grabbed her purse from her locker. She and Hayley then took off down the hallway, where they would be meeting up with Jessica and the rest of the group.

Jessica, Bella, and Angela were already waiting for them. Lauren was going to go-- but canceled for some odd reason. Maddy flashed Bella a warm smile, who in return just frowned. Clearly, she still didn't believe her about the Jacob situation. They all loaded into Jessica's vehicle, and then the sounds of some pop song filled the vehicle. Maddy was in hell as she listened to the sounds pollute her ears-- she wasn't into this type of music. Jessica, Angela, and Hayley all bounced along and sung the lyrics. Bella looked almost as miserable as Maddy.

It took Jessica awhile to arrive to the dress shop since the rain was so heavy. At one point she thought she was going to have to pull off to the side of the road.

"One heck of a day to go prom dress shopping, huh." Angela said.
"I know! Next time we need to check the weather report." Jessica said, giggling.

All the girls grabbed their umbrellas, while Maddy just tossed the hood of her worn cKy sweat shirt over her head. Maddy walked in last, not caring if she got drenched or not. It was just water, and eventually it would dry. Jessica gasped when she saw the slutty pink dress on display.

"I can't believe we have to wear white or black! That's so lame!" She said bitterly.

The girls all hurried off in opposite directions. Maddy sighed, knowing she should take this advantage of alone time to talk to Bella. She sucked in a deep breath, and then walked over to her. Her large orange jacket was hanging down loosely away from her body. She pushed through the racks of dresses like a zombie.


Bella turned around with a frown plastered on her lips.

"Hmm?" She said-- as if she was questioning her as to what she wanted.
"I don't want things to be awkward." Maddy said, not knowing any other way to put it.
"How can things not be awkward? One day you're going to steal the father of my baby away." Bella muttered.
"I'm not going to steal Jacob away-- I thought we covered this-- I love Edward."
"You know-- he loved me at one time too, and I loved him-- but relationships with him can't work.. I left him because it wasn't real enough-- he can't promise you a future. You'll end up leaving him just like I did-- and then what? Jacob's going to be there, and you'll fall for him."
"I'm not leaving, Edward-- I love him Bella-- and I promise you, I'll never have a relationship with Jacob. I respect you, and your baby enough to stay away." Maddy said.
"But that doesn't stop his feelings for you." Bella muttered.
"I'm sorry-- I can't control him, but I can control myself. Please believe me."

Bella nodded her head, and Maddy walked away. She didn't know whether Bella believed her or not; but she had done all she could do. Hopefully she had developed a bond of peace between the two of them. The other girls were dodging in and out of dressing rooms. Maddy walked over to a rack of her size and looked through the dresses. She wasn't the type of girl to try something on a thousand times to see if it fit, and pick out every single detail of it. She planned on purchasing something off the rack her size-- and if it didn't look good on her then oh well.

She was torn between two dresses, one of black and one of white. She looked around the room and noticed that all of the other girls, including Bella had picked a black dress. She tossed it back on the rack and walked up to the cashier with the long white dress over her arm.

"Are you gonna try it on?" Jessica ask.
"Nah-- It's my size." Maddy said.
"But what if it doesn't look good on you?" Angela said.
"I'll deal with it." Maddy said.

The girls all paid for there dresses. The woman behind the counter put them in large zip bags that would keep them in perfect condition. Maddy walked outside and noticed Angela, who had sit up front on the way there was now sitting in the back with Bella. Hayley was also in the back.

"Looks like you got shot gun." Jessica said.
"Great." Maddy said sarcastically.

She groaned when the pop music started up again. She knew why Angela evacuated to the back-- it was even louder up front. The speaker beside her leg seemed like it was pounding against her jeans. She was forming a headache as they drove through the pouring down rain.

Edward laughed as Emmett complained about Alice's pitch. He had said it was off-- but in reality, he had actually striked out for the first time. Alice was getting ready to pitch again, as Carlisle took the bat into his hand. But instead of tossing the ball towards her adoptive father, it dropped to the ground as a vision hit her full force.

She saw a crash-- and blood, lots of blood. Broken glass, and screaming. She saw Jessica Stanley's face, battered and bloody, along with Angela and Hayley, and then she saw Bella-- in the back crying out in pain. But what made tore her apart the most was seeing Maddy in a puddle of blood, nearly through a windshield.

"EDWARD!" She screamed, hoping he had witnessed the vision as she did.

Edward wasted no time as he took of running-- he had to do something, he had to save her.

"These roads are so bad." Jessica said, straining to see past the rain.
"Maybe we should pull over." Angela suggested.
"We'll never make it home before midnight if we pull over." Jessica hissed.

Maddy wasn't concerned with what time she got home, she was more concerned with getting home in one piece. The roads were horrible-- it was difficult to see even a few inches in front of the SUV. Maddy screamed.


Jessica swerved to miss the deer running across the road, but the roads were far too wet. . . The SUV flipped several times, causing the girls to scream out as glass shattered around them. Maddy thought it was all over-- but then it flipped again, sending her forward, her head into the windshield. She could feel the crimson liquid flowing out of her wounds as she blacked out.


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