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Maddy followed behind Edward down the stairs when he sensed his brother's and sister's would be home from school. When she got view of the front door, in walked the four Cullen's she had only saw at school. Alice smiled when she saw her-- but the blond she knew as Rosalie, grinds her teeth together and made a look of pure disgust. Jasper's face was tense, and Emmett had a grin on his face.

"Edward! You're a fucking idiot." Rosalie hissed.
"Shut it, Rose." Edward said.
"No! I will not shut it. You're putting our family in DANGER again by involving yourself with this human!" She scolded, as her hands pointed towards Maddy.
"Calm down, Rose." Alice said.
"I will not calm down! This is bullshit!" Rosalie spat.
"You don't even know if she knows, Rose." Emmett whispered.
"She knows! Look at her! I can sense that she knows!" Rose spat.

Maddy really wanted to walk down there and smack her straight across the face. She was jumping to conclusions, and getting way too amped up about Maddy knowing. If anyone could keep a secret this big it would be Maddy.

"He wouldn't have told me if he didn't trust me, plus, he didn't even tell me, I guessed." Maddy said bitterly.
"Oh, well aren't you just fucking brilliant." Rosalie spat, walking into the kitchen.

The two boys followed her, and Alice stayed behind at the bottom of the stairs. She had a wide grin on her face-- it was almost as if she had been waiting for this moment.

"I'm so happy to finally be able to really get to know you!" Alice said pulling Maddy into a hug.
"Alice." Edward said, shaking his head. He hated when she acted like this.

"You smell so good." Alice commented after pulling away.
"Thanks, I guess. . . as long as you don't eat me for dinner." Maddy said smiling, hoping Alice got her joke.

Alice chuckled, and then smiled at Edward.

"I like her a lot!" Alice said.

The door opened once again, and in walked a woman with a cute heart shaped face, and a bright beautiful smile. Her eyes widened a bit when she saw Maddy, but then she looked at Edward, and Maddy watched as he nodded his head-- clearly this woman was expecting her.

"So nice to finally meet you-- Maddy, right?" The woman's musical voice ask.
"Yes. . Esme?" She ask, making sure she pronounced her name correctly.
"Yes. So nice to meet you hun." Esme said, pulling her into a hug much like Alice just had.

Maddy backed away from the hug and smiled. This family was defiantly stranger than any other family she had met since she had been in Forks.

'She knows?' Esme thought in her mind.

"She knows." Edward answered out loud.
"Thank goodness! It's so good that you know sweet heart, please don't be scared of us." Esme said.
"I'm not scared-- Edward's explained a lot." Maddy said.

Esme smiled-- she was relieved Maddy took the news of them being Vampires so well.

"Oh! and if you've already met Rosalie, then allow me to apologize for her snooty behavior. She doesn't take well to newcomers." Esme said.
"It's no problem-- I just ignored her comments." Maddy said honestly.

Esme nodded with laughed lightly. She was already starting to like her more than she had ever liked Bella. Bella had allowed Rosalie to walk all over her, and insult her every day. Maddy didn't allow anyone to walk over her, and she could care less what people said or thought about her.

Alice pulled a honey haired boy out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Maddy knew his name was Jasper, and also knew that him and Alice were together, but she didn't know much about him besides those details. She watched as he nervously swallowed a lump in his throat and then said hello, she wondered if she made him feel uncomfortable.

"He's the newest to our lifestyle." Alice explained, "But he won't hurt you." She said smiling.
"Okay. . ." Maddy said laughing.

She didn't know why she felt so comfortable around this family, especially, Edward, Esme, and Alice. Edward rolled his eyes and shook his head as he ask Maddy if she wanted to go back up to his room. She nodded her head slowly and walked back up the stairs.

"So, why does Rosalie hate the world?" Maddy ask.
"I think it's more or less she envies girls like you." Edward said.
"Girls like me?" Maddy questioned.
"Yeah-- beautiful, and able to have a chance at a real life." Edward said.
"You guys have a chance at a real life! You're young forever!"
"Yes. . . but our life isn't as fun as an outsider may think."
"What could possibly be a down fall of it?" Maddy ask, unable to think of one downfall of this life. Who wouldn't want to be young and live forever?
"Well, for the women-- you can't bare children." Edward said.
"Oh." Maddy said.

Maddy had never thought about children up to this point. She understood why Rosalie could be bitter-- some girls wanted motherhood more than anything in the world. She nodded her head and then picked up one of his journals, and began flipping through the pages. He quickly removed the hard back book from her hands.

"I wouldn't read that if I were you." He said.
"How come?" She questioned.
"It's uh-- dark. . . I mean, go ahead, if you want trouble sleeping at night." Edward said, a small smile curving into his lips.
"You, nor your lifestyle scares me, Edward." She said laughing as she took the book from his hands.

She walked over and took a seat on the small sofa and began reading through a few pages. Edward paced around his room nervously as he waited for her to read them-- no one had ever read his journals before, not even Bella.

"You really think about yourself in that way?"
"Yes." He whispered.

He knew she was talking about how he described himself as a monster in his journals, and how he wished for death almost every day, even when he was with Bella, he had wished for death. He's never felt complete in his life, somethings always been missing.

"You're not a monster, Edward. Please-- stop thinking that you are." She pleaded.

She smiled, and slowly he nodded his head He would try to stop those thoughts, if it's what Maddy really wanted. He couldn't believe he was falling for her-- falling for a girl whose heart already belonged to someone else. He knew that was probably a good thing at the moment. At least then he knew he wouldn't hurt her.

"So, tell me more about this boyfriend of yours." Edward said.

Maddy shrugged her shoulders, and placed the book down on the sofa.

"What do you want to know?"
"How long have you two been together? What's his name again? Where did you two meet?" He ask taking a seat beside her.
"Uhm. Two years, Aaron, and grade school." She laughed, remembering how they had been friends for years, and then eventually admitted to liking each other.
"So, he's your forever, right?" He questioned.
"I don't know." She answered honestly, "I used to think so-- but the distance is causing me to have doubts, I guess." She said.

She had no reason to lie, she wasn't good at lying and Edward had shared a big secret with her, since he trusted her, she felt she could trust him. Edward nodded his head, understanding what she meant. Long distance relationships were hard, and hardly ever worked out.

"So. . . Enjoying Forks any better?" He ask.
"I guess so. I mean-- you and Hayley are good friends and such, but I do miss my dad a lot."
"I take it the two of you are close." Edward said.
"He's like my best friend-- He's the most understanding man you'd ever meet."
"I doubt he'd understand me." Edward said.
"Don't put it past him-- he's open minded, everyone says we're just a like." Maddy said.

Edward smiled-- if her father was anything like her, then he was a good man. Edward and Maddy spent the next couple of hours up in his room talking, and getting to know each other even more. He had told her about all the places he had lived, and how many vampires actually existed. She was amazed that they were everywhere-- just wandering around.

"I should be going." She said, noticing how dark it was getting outside.
"Yeah-- I'll take you back to your car. Let's go." Edward said.

The two of them walked downstairs, and passed by the family. Rosalie rolled her eyes when they walked out the front door. Maddy could hear Esme scolding her for her rude behavior as she got inside the Volvo. Edward drove her back to the school, and told her he'd see her tomorrow. She got inside her vehicle and headed home. When she walked through the front door, Claire was sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"Where the hell was you during seventh period!"
"I was with Edward, volunteering at the hospital." Maddy said, "As if it's any of your business." She then said.
"Why does a guy like Edward Cullen wanna hang out with a girl like you-- It's a disgrace to girls like me for a man of his stature to be seen with a skank like you." Claire said.
"Claire, just get off your high horse already. Not every man in this world is going to drop to your pedicured feet and kiss them. Some guys are actually interested in more than a tan, bleach blond, barbie look-a-like." Maddy said.
"You have nothing to offer him!" Claire yelled.
"And you do? Tell me one thing you can offer him that I couldn't, if I was even interested in him-- You're forgetting I have a boyfriend." Maddy said.

"Girls, Girls, Girls!" Susan said entering the room, "Calm down-- Mike's napping. What is all this scolding and arguing about."
"I was just telling Maddy how horrible it is to go behind her boyfriend's back and flirt around with another guy-- Just think of poor Aaron!" Claire said.
"You're a lying bitch, Claire." Maddy spat, rolling her eyes and walking off.

Susan just shook her head-- she had never met two people who disliked each other as much as those two. She knew Maddy had her father's attitude and way of thinking, and acting, so she stopped trying to control her years ago. She wasn't going to change for anyone.

"I'm sorry about Maddy." Susan apologized.
"Don't be." Claire hissed.

Claire walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. She slammed her door and then laid down on her bed and thought up ways to get Maddy good. She smiled when she realized the perfect revenge on her. If she planned on hanging out with Edward Cullen on a regular basis-- then Claire felt that Aaron had the right to know about it-- only she was going to stretch the truth a bit.


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