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Maddy heard the door bell ring and she walked down the stairs quickly. She had been home for three days. She opened the door, not knowing who to expect, and starred into the deep brown eyes of the last person she wanted to see. Jacob Black. She rolled her eyes and went to slam the door in his face, but he stopped it with his foot.

"We need to talk."
"I told you, I wanted nothing to do with you. Can you not comprehend English, mutt?" She spat.

He flinched, "That's low, Mads. Let me in. It's raining."
"I don't care. Go find a place to drown." She hissed.
"Stop being like this." He said pushing the door open.

He walked inside and shut the door behind him. She rolled her eyes.

"Listen, Mads--" He started.
"No! You listen to me Jacob Black. If you think for one moment you can come in my house, disrespect my boyfriend, and then just expec--"

Maddy was cut off by something she didn't expect at all. Jacob's warm lips were glued to her's. She placed her hands upon his chest, and knew she'd have to push with all of her force to get him off of her. She started to push, but surprisingly Jacob moved away first. He looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Sam was right." He mumbled.
"You stupid dog!" Maddy yelled

Maddy continued to yell at him, but he didn't listen to any of it. He was so caught up in what he had just experienced. Since his fight with Maddy, he had been moping around about her being mad at him. He was determined to prove to everyone that imprinting meant soul mates; love. The guys had been trying to convince him that if that was the case, Maddy would be in his arms feeling exactly the same way.

"Maddy, I'm sorry."
"You should be! Edward's going to rip your head off when he gets back from hunting."
"I'm not sorry for kissing you." Jacob stated.

Maddy burrowed her eyebrows together. If he wasn't sorry for kissing her then what was he sorry for.

"I don't understand." She said.
"I'm sorry that I misunderstood this whole imprinting thing-- I just assumed I was suppose to love you. . . Like Sam and Emily, Paul and my sister, Jared and Kim. . . I never thought to consider you like a little sister or something."
"I'm older than you." Maddy said.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Just listen to me-- when I kissed you. . . I felt nothing. But when I kiss Bells-- my whole world brightens. I love her."
"I'm glad you finally figured that out." Maddy muttered, still angry he kissed her.
"But I still love you too-- not the same love that your blood-boyfriend loves you. But I love you like a sister, I'll be there to protect you Maddy, but I promise I won't try to tear you away from him anymore. I don't like the fact that you're with him. . . but I won't tell you who to be with. That's not my place. I'm just here to protect you from whatever may cause you harm." Jacob said.

Maddy was confused.

"So, why did you kiss me?" She ask crossing her arms.
"I needed to feel the sparks. I hadn't felt them yet-- and a kiss was the only way. No offense, but it was kind of gross kissing you." He said.

Maddy's mouth dropped into an O shape, "You're unbelievable!"

He chuckled, "I'm sorry-- But it was gross. You're like a sister to me."
"I am not like a sister to you."
"Yes you are."
"No, I am not." Maddy said through gritted teeth.

Jacob sighed, "I'm sorry that I kissed you, and I'm sorry for the things I said. . . I just. . . I didn't know that I wasn't suppose to love you like that."
"You should have figured it out."
"I just thought you were being difficult!" Jacob said, tossing his hands in the air. "Emily was difficult at first too, I just thought you were being stubborn. I guess I'm just like poor Quil, the baby sitter."
"I am not a toddler."
"Your right-- but I am going to be like an older brother figure to you."
"What if I don't want you as a older brother figure?" She ask.

He sighed, "Stuck with me. Kinda comes along with the whole imprint thing."

She groaned, "I don't like it, nor do I like you."
"Sister's normally don't like their brothers." He said grinning.

Maddy groaned again. "You're not my brother!" She said walking into the kitchen.

She grabbed herself an apple from the counter and bit into it.

"So, how was your trip to Pennsylvania?" He ask.
"Shouldn't you go home." She said.
"Nope! I cleared my entire evening for you."
"Does Bella know your here?"
"No, of course not. But she'll be glad to know that I feel nothing for you what so ever. . . besides sisterly of course."

Maddy sighed. Thankfully the door bell rang. She excused herself from the kitchen and walked over to open the door. Standing in front of her was Edward with a unpleasing look upon his face. He pulled her into his arms.

"Your future disappeared." He mumbled, breathing into her hair.
"I know-- Jacob's here." She muttered.

He let her go from the hug, and looked up at Jacob who walked out of the kitchen. Jacob replayed the kiss, and conversation in his mind-- allowing Edward to see it all first hand. He watched as Edward's face went from anger to relaxed in just a matter of seconds.

"Sisterly?" Edward ask, ready to pounce if he said anything different.
"Just sisterly-- Kissing her was worse than kissing one of your kind." Jacob said.

Maddy huffed. Edward leaned down and pressed his lips against her cheek.

"He's telling the truth." Edward whispered, "He feels bad for the trouble he's caused, and he's genuinely sorry."

"So, that's it? You're fine with it?" She ask, confused.
"As long as he keeps to his mental promise he just made me, then yes."

Maddy groaned, "A werewolf just kissed me." She said crossing her arms.

Edward smiled, "And if I hurt him, you'd regret it."
"No I wouldn't."

He smiled as he leaned down and kissed her forehead, "You would, trust me."

Maddy rolled her eyes. Jacob cleared his throat, "I'm gonna head over to see Bella." He said grinning, as he walked out of the house.

Maddy watched him leave, and then turned around and gave Edward such an unbelievable face. He chuckled.

"I can't believe he kissed me."
"I'm glad he done it-- Don't get me wrong, when he first played that mental picture, I was about to pounce on him, and we'd have to clean your living room of dead dog. But then he explained the words, and I read his thoughts. He really just looks as you as a sister, and the kiss proved that. He felt nothing-- he actually hated kissing you." Edward said.

"Well, that's good to know I guess."
"Yeah." He said, "At least that's one guy I don't have to worry about." Edward said.

Maddy smiled, although she really didn't catch on to what he meant by that statement. Maddy was unaware of how bad things really were in Pennsylvania.


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