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Jacob dropped Maddy off at her house, she waved goodbye to him and then looked up into her window. She saw Edward grinning from the room. She bit down on her bottom lip as she rushed inside. Her mom was sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"Who was that?" Susan ask.
"Jacob Black."
"Did something happen between you and Edward?" She ask.
"No! Mom-- Jacob's just a friend. He's actually dating Bella Swan."
"Oh, okay."
"I'm gonna go get ready for bed." Maddy said.

She ran up the stairs and opened the door. Edward was waiting to embrace her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and brought his lips down on hers for a hungry kiss.

It felt so good to have her back in his arms. He was so worried when she was with Jacob. So scared that the mutt somehow managed to steal her heart away. He tried to pull away from the kiss, but her hand reached up to the back of his neck and pulled him down on her harder. They stumbled backwards, hitting the back of her door. Finally, after another moment or so, Maddy backed away slowly, needing to breathe.

A crooked smile was placed on his lips when he noticed how flushed her face was. He kissed her forehead.

"Did you have fun with the dog?" He ask.
"Jacob wasn't too bad." She replied honestly, "But I met an Emily girl, I actually spent most of the afternoon with her, and she was annoying."

Maddy and Edward walked over to her bed and she explained everything that had happened while she was on the La Push reservation. Edward snarled when she told him some of the things Emily had said to her.

"I can't believe she can still stand by one of those dogs after he ruined her face."
"I can understand why she does it." Maddy spoke softly.

Edward's heart dropped. Did she understand because she now felt that way about Jacob?

"What do you mean you understand?"
"She loves him-- and he made a mistake. I would love you even if you made a mistake like that." Maddy said.

Edward sighed out of relief loudly. She giggled.

"You thought I was talking about Jacob didn't you?" She ask.
"Yes." He said.
"Edward, I've told you-- I'm yours. This beating heart is yours. No one else's. Jacob and I talked tonight-- he's giving up on the whole trying to steal me away from you; we agreed to friendship."
"Friendship?" Edward ask annoyed.
"Yes. Jacob hasn't done anything to me if you think about it. He can't help who he imprinted on."

Edward rolled his eyes, "I don't like the idea of you two hanging out." He said.
"It won't be often, if ever. I have no intentions of just calling him up and asking him to come over."
"If you two do hang out-- Can I, or someone else be near you? I just don't want you alone with him. I don't trust him."

She grinned, "I don't need a babysitter."
"But he does." Edward mumbled.

Maddy giggled, as she leaned up and placed another kiss upon his cool lips.

"Can you believe prom is so close?"
"I can't wait to show you off." He said.

Maddy smiled, as she leaned back on the bed. Edward laid back with her and began running his fingers through her hair.

"When are you going to visit your father?" He ask.
"I don't know. Schools out in a month, so I figured I may go sometime after that. I really don't wanna go without you."
"I want to go along." He said.
"Really?" She said smiling.
"Of course-- I don't trust Aaron." He admitted.
"Edward!" She said raising up kind of angry.
"Stop worrying about other guys. You're the only one that matters to me."

He smiled, as he reached over and placed his lips against hers once again.

"I just don't like the way they think about you. Aaron especially."
"Well, you have nothing to worry about. I am yours."
"I know." Edward said.

He knew this all to well. The picture of her with crimson eyes was now burned into his mind. He wanted her to do so much more before that time come. He wanted her to graduate high school, go to college, have life experiences. He hated to steal her life away from her. He didn't want to make her a monster.

"What was your name before?"

He grinned.

"Edward Anthony Masen." He said.
"I like that." She said as a yawn escaped her lips.

He chuckled.

"Get some sleep. You've had a long day."

She nodded her head and made herself comfortable on him. He ran his fingers through her hair as her breathing settled down to a steady pace.

"Edward. . ." She mumbled nearly half asleep.
"Yes?" He questioned.
"I love you more than anything." She said yawning.

He smiled, "I love you as well."

Edward looked down at her and felt guilty. Could he really change her? Take away this wonderful life she had? Was it wrong of him to want to change her? He was committing the sin of greed by stealing her away from this. She would never be able to see her family again. Never be able to see any of her friends. Was he ready to live with that guilt for the rest of eternity?


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