Speeding Bullet

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When they walked into the living room Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett were all sitting on the couch. Rosalie looked up at Maddy and rolled her eyes.

"Another human in our home, what joy." She spat.
"Cool it, Rose." Esme said making her way into the room, "It's so great to see you, Maddy!" She said, hugging her lightly.
"It's good to see you as well.
"What's Bella doing here?" Edward ask.

Of course, Rosalie felt the need to answer.

"She assumes that Alice still wants to be friends! So she came over and now their having a 'private conversation.'" Rosalie said, rolling her eyes.
"Bella looked distressed." Esme added.
"She just lost a baby. I'm sure she's going through a lot." Maddy said.

Rosalie rolled her eyes yet again, "She shouldn't be a mother. She's too young."
"Rose, enough." Esme said.

Rosalie crossed her arms and groaned loudly as she leaned back into the couch. Emmett tangled his hands in her hair, as Maddy felt Jasper calming the environment around her down. She smiled at him. She and Edward took a seat on another couch, and was just as quiet as everyone else.

After about ten minutes of awkward silence, footsteps could be heard. Bella walked down the stairs, and managed to make it to the bottom one before nearly tripping. Luckily, Emmett caught her before she fell, which only caused Rosalie to hiss loudly.

"Thanks, Emmett." Bella said.
"No problem." Emmett said.

Bella smiled lightly, and then walked out of the house. They could hear her old truck start up from the drive way. Rosalie shoved Emmett away when he took a seat beside her. Alice soon came down the stairs with a smile on her face.

"What did that wench want?" Rosalie ask.
"She just wanted to know if I saw her future." Alice said.
"And?" Jasper ask.
"I couldn't." Alice said, "She seemed happy with that result."
"It's because of that mutt." Rosalie said.

Edward smiled. Alice not being able to see Bella's future was a good thing. It possibly meant that she and Jacob would be together for most of it.

"Maddy! When did you get here?" Alice ask, running to her side and hugging her.
"Can't breathe!" Maddy managed to say.

Edward chuckled, as tiny Alice released her from the hug.

"I'm so happy to see you. I'm sorry I didn't come down and say hello as soon as you arrived-- I was so caught up in seeing Bella's future, I didn't even notice."
"It's fine." Maddy said.

Emmett looked around the room and grinned, "Well, since the humans gone- let's have some fun." He said.
"We still have a human here, stupid." Rosalie hissed.

Emmett groaned loudly, "Rose! Maddy is part of the family. Now come on." He said tugging to the blond's hand.

Maddy smiled at Emmett. She didn't know when she officially became part of 'The Cullen Family', but it was a good feeling. Edward placed his hand in hers and walked her out to the back yard. Rosalie was giving Emmett a kiss, while Jasper and Alice looked to be in deep conversation.

"Come here." Edward said, sitting down on a step, and pulling Maddy down on his lap.
"Are they gonna fight now?"
"Yes. Remember, their just playing." Edward said.

Maddy nodded her head, and smiled as Edward wrapped his arms around her and pulled her back into his frame. She leaned back into him and watched as Alice and Rosalie both walked away from their men.

"I'll put a thousand on Jasper." Edward said.
"Me too." Alice said.
"You guys are on-- Emmett's going to take him down today."

Maddy just watched carefully as the two brothers shook hands, and then walked at least fifty feet away from each other. Then, everything happened quickly. Both of them started charging at one another. Emmett hit Jasper with force, causing him to go flying into an old oak tree that was far across the back yard. Maddy's eyes went wide with shock as she watched them run around at super human speeds, punching, and tossing one another around like rag dogs.

"Jasper's winning." Edward declared.
"Emmett's not giving up yet." Rosalie said.
"How can you tell?" Maddy ask, "They are both like speeding bullets!"

Alice, Edward, and even Rosalie chuckled at her comment. It was funny watching her move her head about trying to catch them as they made their next move. Edward stuck his face in her hair and breathed in her scent. It was so intoxicating to him, he hardly noticed the burning in his throat now.

The fight was over, and Rosalie owed both Alice and Edward a thousand dollars. Emmett and Jasper walked towards the house, Jasper smiling, and Emmett declaring a rematch.

"Would I. . . be that strong?" Maddy ask.

Edward sighed, "Thought we wasn't going to discuss this." He said.
"We're not. . . I just wanted to know if I would be as strong as you are. . . as Jasper and Emmett are. Do girls get as strong?" She ask.

He couldn't help but to smile.

"Yes-- Alice and Rosalie are just as strong. Actually, during the first year or so you'll be stronger than us."
"Really?" She ask, growing excited.

He chuckled, unable to hold it back. Her excitement was too cute. It was like a young child on Christmas morning.

"So, enough about that. . . Are you looking forward to the prom?" He ask.
"Very much so. I can't wait."
"And then graduation." He said.
"Yeah, but we don't graduate this year." She said.
"I know-- but Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper do."
"Are they going away for college?"
"Jasper is staying behind with Alice of course. But Emmett and Rosalie are actually going away on a honeymoon I believe."
"Their married?"
"Several times."
"How long will they honeymoon for?"
"I don't know, a month or two possibly."

Maddy nodded her head. The rest of their evening was spent enjoying each others company. Maddy was excited about prom, and couldn't wait to see Edward in a tux. But part of her was still wondering why Bella came to them. Was she really there for Alice, or was there something else to the story?


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