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Maddy laughed as she walked through the shopping center with Alice. Alice thought it would be fun for the two of them to go school shopping. Maddy was excited that senior year was so close. It was in her grasp, and she was excited for it, excited to get it over with. She and Alice walked around all of the fancy stores. She allowed the pint sized beauty to try on several different things.

"Oh goodness! Rosalie would love this." Alice said, picking up a blue blouse.
"When is she coming back?"
"Hmm. They phoned just the other day. She and Emmett are in Alaska right now. I'm sure they'll be home in a couple of weeks."
"I wish Rose liked me more." Maddy confessed.
"Rosalie likes you just fine. She just has a hard time accepting people. For some reason though, I see you two becoming very close."

Maddy smiled. Rosalie and Emmett had come back for a short visit when Maddy returned for Pennsylvania, but then they went off again to finish up their honeymoon.

She had been wondering about something for quite awhile now. She didn't want to question Edward about it, but she knew that she could ask Alice about it. She bit down on her bottom lip nervously as she mustered up the courage.

"Alice-- do you know when my transformation takes place?"

Alice froze, "I'm not sure exactly when. . . but Maddy. . . I think it's soon." Alice whispered.
"Yes. . . I tried to tell Edward it was soon, but he believes it's after graduation. . . I don't think it's going to be that long." Alice said.

Maddy nodded her head, "Thanks, Alice."
"I can't wait to have you as a sister, Maddy."

Maddy smiled. She couldn't wait to officially join the Cullen family. She knew Edward wanted her to wait until graduation, but she honestly didn't want to. He meant the world to her, and she felt delaying the transformation would just make things harder on everyone.

Maddy and Alice was just about to walk inside subway to grab Maddy some food, when her cell phone started blasting a HIM song she had set as her mother's ring tone. She dug through her purse, and pulled the phone out, flipping it open and answering it.

"Mom?" Maddy ask.
"Mads! Sweetie. . . you need to come home." Her mother said.
"What's wrong?" Maddy ask instantly.
"Just. . . come home sweetie." Susan pleaded.

Maddy hung up her phone, and began to open her mouth, but Alice had already heard the conversation with her amazing hearing. The two of them ran through the mall, and out to Alice's car. She was driving Rosalie's red convertible.

"I'll get you home in no time. Buckle up." The pixie haired vampire said.

Maddy bit her nails the entire way home. All of these thoughts clouded her mind. Did something happen to Ava? Claire? Mike? Her dad? She felt tears trickle down her face as she thought about her over worked father. He had phoned just days ago and told her that things in Pennsylvania had gotten worse. Aaron still hadn't been found, and he said two of their cops had disappeared. She begged him to take time off work, and come to Forks for awhile, but he wouldn't leave.

"We're almost there." Alice said.

Maddy took in a deep breath, and prayed that nothing was wrong with her father. She loved him more than anything.

Alice pulled up to her house quickly. A normal hour drive, only took the pixie haired beauty twenty minutes. Maddy rushed inside, and straight to her mother's side. Susan was in tears as she sit on the couch, clutching the cordless phone in her hand. Maddy looked at her mother and started crying. She knew it was bad.

"Mom?" Maddy spoke softly, "Mom. . . what is it?" Maddy ask.

Susan inhaled deeply, "It's your father. . . he's gone missing."

Maddy fell to her knees. She knew this would happen. She began sobbing loudly, and her mother came over and tried to comfort her. She soaked up her mother's shirt, as Susan explained the details. He had went out to check a call last night, and never came back. His cruiser was found on the side of the road, door open, and radio turned on.

"I'm so sorry sweetie-- They think he's disappeared with the rest." Susan said.

Maddy couldn't say anything, she was still sobbing.

Alice ran into the house and straight up to Edward's room. He was laying on the sofa, writing in a journal.

"Get to Maddy! Somethings happened-- she received a phone call."

Alice didn't need to say anything after, "Get to Maddy." Edward was already speeding out of the room once she said that word. He didn't even care about taking a car, he just took off running. He made it to her house in less than five minutes. He knocked on the kitchen door. It took several minutes, but finally Susan answered.

"Oh Edward, Thank God you're here. Maybe you can calm her down." Susan said.

That's when he heard the sound that broke his heart.

Inside the living room was Maddy, hiding her eyes into the soda, as she bawled. He walked into the living room and took a seat beside her, pulling her into his lap. He wiped away her tears.

"It's okay." He said, stoking her face.
"They. . . got. . . him." She choked out.

He looked at her for a second and then realized what she was saying. He read Susan's mind and collected all the details. He knew what he needed to do.

"Are you gonna be okay here by yourself, love?"

She looked at him wide eyed.

"I'm going to go cheek, I'll go see." He whispered.

She nodded her head, "Please. . . and if he's been."
"I'll take Carlisle with me. I love you, I'll phone. Please don't cry."

Edward left then, heading home to get his father. They needed to get to Pennsylvania as soon as possible.


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