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Maddy walked into Art holding Edward's hand. She smiled over at her friend Hayley and then took her seat. They had a substitute teacher today, and their teacher didn't leave them any assignments, so as long as they kept their voices down, they was allowed to chat among themselves. Hayley turned around quickly and smiled. She was excited to tell Maddy all about her weekend at La Push.

"Maddy! I went down to La Push with Mike this weekend. It was so much fun. The guys there are so hot-- and so muscular!" Hayley said smiling.
Maddy laughed. Hayley was boy crazy, and it showed with the blushing in her cheeks when she mentioned the boys from La Push. Maddy noticed that Edward's jaw tightened whenever she mentioned any of their names or La Push itself, she wondered if he had a problem with any of the guys.

"You should go with us this weekend! It's suppose to be really sunny out." Hayley said.
"I'll think about it." Maddy said smiling.
Hayley's attention was caught by Mike asking her a question, Maddy took this opportunity to talk to Edward. Maddy noticed Edward was very tense since Hayley had started talking.

"You're quiet." She said.
"Sorry." He mumbled, still not happy about Hayley's conversation.
"What's wrong?" She questioned.
"I don't like La Push."
"How come?" She questioned again.
"I just don't." He said looking out the window.

Edward didn't speak to her for the rest of the period, instead he just continued to look out the window. She frowned. She never wanted to tick him off in any way-- but it looks like she had. She sighed, when the bell ring. She didn't expect him to wait for her, but he did. He picked up her books, and then reached for her hand. She gave him a small weak smile as she placed her hand in his cold one.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled when they entered the hallway.
"How come you don't like talking about La Push?" She ask.
"I'll talk to you about it after school." Edward said, kissing her forehead, as he stood in front of her Creative Writing class.
"I'll see you after class." He said grinning.

Maddy walked into the class and took a seat next to Hayley, who continued to gush about the guys down at La Push.

Emmett studied Edward's face as he walked into their Math class.

'What's wrong with you, Edward?' Emmett thought.

Edward looking towards his brother and then took out a sheet of paper and scribbled down something on the white paper in his elegant script. He then handed the note over to Emmett.

Emmett glanced down at the sheet of paper and rolled his eyes. Wrote in bold elegant text was words that would turn the stomach of any vampire.

Maddy was invited down to La Push.

'Don't let her go.' Emmett thought.

Edward sighed. Should he really ask her not to go? She was invited to go with her friends-- not go out with all of the La Push guys. Edward knew how they were though-- if they saw her on their reservation, they would come over, introduce themselves, and then if they took interest in her, then they would continue to talk to her. Edward balled his hands up into fist when he thought about any of the La Push guys taking interest in Maddy.

During class Maddy had agreed to hang out with Hayley at La Push this weekend. She didn't know what Edward would think about the agreements she made with her friend, but she couldn't just give up her friends because he didn't like La Push. Maddy walked into the cafeteria and smiled when she saw Edward and Alice discussing something. Edward didn't look too happy when he looked towards his girlfriend.

Maddy took a seat at the Cullen table and received a glare from Rosalie. Alice smiled weakly, and Edward looked deep into her dark brown eyes.

"Where are you going with Hayley?" He questioned.
"She begged me to go to La Push with her-- I told her I would." Maddy said.
"I thought I told you I didn't like La Push." He spat.
"Edward-- Hayley's my friend!"
"Hayley isn't the problem." Edward mumbled.

Just moments prior to Maddy walking into the room, Alice had a vision of her getting inside a car with Hayley-- and then her future disappeared, which meant the werewolves were involved. Edward needed to talk Maddy out of going-- he couldn't protect her on the reservation.

"What's the problem then?" She ask.
"I don't want you around those La Push guys, okay?" He snapped.
"I'm not going there to hang out with guys, Edward! I'm going there to hang out with Hayley-- have a little faith in me." Maddy said.

She couldn't believe Edward was angry because of the La Push guys. Did he not trust her? She wasn't going to La Push looking for a boyfriend, she already had the perfect guy. She just wanted to spend some time with her friend.

"I just don't think it's a good idea." He mumbled.
"Well-- when this becomes your life, then you can make choices for me." Maddy snapped.

Edward starred deep into her eyes and felt horrible. He couldn't tell her about the wolves-- that would break the treaty. He sighed.

"I'm sorry-- I'm being an ass." He said.
"You are being an ass-- care to explain why?" She ask, "The real reason."
"I told you-- I just don't like the guys on the reservation." He said.
"But why don't you like them? What did they do to you?" She questioned.
"I just don't like them, Maddy. I can't tell you why." Edward said.

She rolled her eyes and sighed, as she looked away from him. She wanted to be mad at him, but the only feeling that she felt was calmness. She looked over at Jasper and gave him a small weak smile. Alice gave her a half smile, while Jasper just clutched onto her small hand.

"Promise me something." Edward said.
"Promise me you'll be careful when you're down there-- and try to avoid all the big guys at all cost." He said.
"I'll promise you I'll be careful-- I'm going to hang out with Hayley-- I'm not going to look at guys. Stop worrying so much." She said, reaching over and placing a kiss upon his cheek.

Edward nodded his head-- even though in the very pits of his stomach, he felt like something bad was going to happen in La Push.


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