Chapter 8

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Looking at the mirror, Angel Dust was looking for a good dress to start the day. So far, he couldn't figure out which one to wear. The cowgirl, no. Police, to realistic, Mafia, not the right time. There was just so many to chose from it was hard. He needed to find the right dress because he was going to visit his siblings.

"God dammit." Angel Dust said. "I can't figure out which one to chose. It's too difficult."

Just then, Nuggets was oinking at Angel, while carrying a dress. He look and smiled. "Why thank you cutie pie! This dress might be the one!" Angel kissed Nuggets on the nose as the pig made a cute oink sound.

Later, Angel dust was walking down to the lobby in his new dress he got long ago. It was a nice Italian crossover of a dress and a suit. As he walks down, he could hear me and Loona talking.

"I see. That does explain a lot." Loona said.

"I know." I agreed. "And yet, it still leaves a lot of questions. Like, what would it be like if he never...." I stopped to see Angel hovering over us. "Angel. Personal space please?"

"What?" Angel took a step back. "I was just curious on what you lovebirds are talking about."

"We're just talking about this movie where a guy keeps changing the past to make things better, but makes it worse." Loona spoke. She then looks at his new uniform. "Going to sleep with someone?"

Angel chuckled. "I wish, but not today. I'm actually visiting my siblings."

"Siblings?" I asked.

"That's right. My brother, Arackniss, and my sister, Molly. Today is our get together every month."

"You never told us this because?"

"You never asked."

Well. He got us there. We never even thought he had siblings here in Hell, but I suppose things can happen. Just before any of us could say anything, Angel's phone was ringing. He picked up the phone and answered.

"Angel Dust, Porn Star...Oh hey kidding me?!....Where are you?.......walking on the streets? no no no no! Hell no! You guys are not living there! Trust me It's not worth it......It's personal....huh?....yea I'm still at the hotel doing that redeeming thing....hmm?....well....Oh what the hell? Of course you can....don't worry. I got the problem. I 'll send you the address and....oh you know?....ok..."

While he continued, Loona and I just looked at each other in confusion. Whatever it is, it must be serious. After a while, he hung up and sighed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"It's my sister's manager." Angel Dust said as he sat down. "Apparently, some a-hole broke in the wrecked the place. Now Molly has nowhere to stay at."

"What about your brother? Can't she stay there?" Loona asked.

Angel shook his head. "Nope. His home was taken down after Extermination Day and was living with Molly until he has enough to buy a place."

I blinked in shock. "Are you serious!?"

"I am. That's Exterminators for you: They'll destroy anything to find their targets to kill. They were thinking of going to where Valentino lives, but I told them it was a bad idea. So they're coming to the hotel to stay for a bit."


"Now now, hold a minute." He got his purse out. "I told them I'll pay. So..."

"You do understand that you're gonna have to tell the others here. Right?" Loona asked.

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