Chapter 26

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Loona has been looking at the mirror at the mirror for a good while. She was in her wedding dress, as the wedding was taking place today. We were both worried. But we loved each other so much that we were willing to continue on. I wasn't planning on leaving, and neither was she.

As she continued, she notices a small bump on her stomach area. "Looks like it's happening."

"The wedding?" Octavia asked while helping Loona getting ready.

"Well, yea. But also the next stage of pregnancy; pregnant belly. I mean, look." She turned around and showed her friend the bump. It has been several weeks since I proposed and since she announced her pregnancy, so that makes so much sense why there would be a belly like that.

"It's a good sign." Octavia smiled. "It shows that the baby is still developing and is healthy."

"Yea. I guess so." Loona smiled.

"So, have you thought of a name?"

Loona didn't answer. She never thought about it, and neither did I. "It...never crossed my mind. But me and Bogy will think about it."

"Are you serious?" Molly asked while putting on some finishing touches on Loona. "You're gonna get married and you still haven't thought of a name for the little rascal?"

"I'm sorry! It's just...I don't know." Loona looked down. Milly and Octavia looked at her with concern. Then they walked in front of her.

"Hey. Don't worry. I'm sure you and Bogy will think of something." Octavia placed her hand on Loona.

"Of course." Molly agreed. "I mean, You got like what, 8 months left? 9? You've got plenty of time. Besides, if the little rascal is a gal or a guy, then you'll think of the right name. I'm sure of it."

Loona chuckled. "Yea...I guess you're right." She looked at her belly and held onto it with her hand. "It's real funny. I never thought me and Bogy would be together."

"That does bring the question." Molly asked. "What made you think he was the one?"

"Oh." Loona cleared her throat. "Well...I guess it started when Bogy saved me from Hector."

* * *

I was on my motorcycle with Loona, driving all the way back to my apartment in a dark cold night. I had just recently saved her from being raped from Hector Foren, a womanizing asshole who wants Loona all to himself. I arrived in time and so did the police. Loona lost her original shorts because of him, so the police gave her a spare pants for free since she's been through a lot.

While driving, Loona remained quiet. I thought for certain she would insult me again or act like a bitch. But she didn't. I guess I can argue. After all, how would you feel if you were nearly raped by some creep?

Deep down, I feel bad for her. I tried to think of what to say to her. But there were no words. Not one word comes to mind. The silence was just there, while the wind and the sound of my motorcycle took over the silence. I...I just didn't know what to say.

Soon we arrived home in the garage. After closing it and looking around the house to make sure it's secured, I was stopped in front of Loona who was sitting down, playing with her hair a bit. God Dammit. I feel like such an asshole.

"Um..." I spoke at last. "I...uh...I made sure the place is" Just as I was about to enter my room to finally get some sleep, Loona stood up.

"Bogy, wait!" I stopped and turned around to see her eyes. It was filled with trauma. "Um...I...I can't."

"Can't what?"

"Sleep alone..." She looked at the door and back. I can tell she was still scared that Hector might break free and take her again. That's when I got the message.

"" I scratched the back of my head. "You want to sleep next to me?"

Loona looked away. " be safe...But I'm not having sex with you. Ok?"

"Fair enough. Besides, I can tell you need company." So I allowed her to walk into my bedroom. She was amazed to see it was such a nice, yet almost empty room. There was only my bed, hamper, dresser, and my TV with a Switch.

We soon got under the covers and laid down. I soon fell asleep the moment my head laid on the pillow. I was tired. Loona on the other hand looked at the ceiling, remembering all the hardships she went through: Being heart broken, losing her friend, no one caring about what she went through, and was about to be raped. Loona thought she would toughen up. But she was still broken from the past. She was now even more fragile than ever.

She then looked at me sleeping, thinking about how I was able to help her out, feed her, saved her, and let her sleep next to me. Out of all the humans she dealt with during her job in the I.M.P, I was considered the most bearable. But deep down, she felt some sort of comfort while being close to me. It was something entirely new.

She sighed and turned close to me while placing her hand on me and rest her head on my chest. She can feel my heartbeat. She would've turned around in disgust. But for some reason, she didn't. She felt more relaxed. More safe. A lot more happy. What was it? She had no clue. But her drowsiness finally kicked in and she started to fall asleep, feeling safe and happy that I'm with her.

* * *

"Wow." Molly said. "Now that is some love story there. And what about that piece of shit, Hector?"

"He's suffering in a special Hell my dad made." Octavia smirked. "And if you asked me, seeing him going mad in there is really satisfying."

"Oh damn! I wish I could see it!" Loona laughed. Soon they all laughed. After that, they continued getting ready for the wedding.

* * *

Soon after, I was waiting on the front with Charlie as the Officiant. She was so happy to do such thing that she practically begged to do so. It was so funny to see her so cheery. It's still hard to believe she's the Devil's daughter. Still, I was so glad that she made it all possible for be to be with Loona again. I just didn't know what else I can do.

Soon after, the wedding began. Nifty was the flower girl, making her way to the hall, while at the same time cleans up the flower mess she made. I chuckled. Then I saw her. Loona was walking down in a dress. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was the love of my life. If anyone say she's heartless, I beat them up in order to defend her. She was perfect. Soon, we got to be close face to face, and Charlie began the ceremony.

It lasted for a while until we finally got to the part where we say our vows. Of course I said I do, and Loon did the same. Charlie then cleared her throat and tried to maintain her composer. "As Princess of Hell, I pronounce you Man and Wife, Mr and Ms, Eiko. Go ahead and kiss!"

Just like that, we made it offical. Me and Loona are now married. We were happy, and so was everyone. Blitzo tried to hide his tears as his 'Baby girl' is all grown up, much to Loona's annoyance. I chuckled and promised him I will look after her. He made sure I keep that promise by keeping a close eye on me.

Soon after, me and Loona were in a limousine, getting ready for our honeymoon. She threw the flowers over and Octavia caught it. Something tells me her chance may come at last, but we'll have to wait and see. We soon left and began the start of our lives.

Collin was watching us leave and was thrilled to see that love conquers all. However, he was thinking of something he heard of before. "Hmmm...I wonder...Could they be the ones?"

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